Summer Camp Guitar Lessons

A Notice to all Students, Parents, or Interested People of Summer Camp Guitar Lessons:

We will be offering a beginner and an intermediate class of guitar during the afternoons of summer camp for all interested guitar people, big or small. The classes will be an hour long per class and will start on June 2, running Monday through Thursday, finishing on Thursday, June 26th. All that you’ll need is a guitar! If you are interested or know of someone, please let them know about it and contact the school.

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week

October 28 – 31, 2013

 Theme for week

 “We’ve got the right stuff to be drug free”

Monday – Red Day:  wear red

Tuesday – Sports Day: wear your favorite hat & jersey

Wednesday – Pajama Day

Thursday – Costume Day:  Say Boo to Drugs!

School Pictures Start Tomorrow. Please send pictures orders to school with them.

Picture Day Schedule

Tuesday, Oct. 1st (tomorrow)

  • Elementary Teachers and Para’s (prior to school)
  • Morning Pre K (will eat breakfast at 9a)
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
  • Community Pictures 11:30 -12:30 – Please call Shiela is this time does not work for you.

Wednesday, October 2nd

  • 6th grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade
  • Afternoon PreK  (come to school at 11:15am)
  • 12:30 pm – ML/HS Teachers
  • 9th grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade
  • Other Staff
  • StuCo
  • Band Pictures (3pm)

Winter Ball

The high-school winter ball was a moderate success this year.  Many of the students left early, the dozen or so that stayed had a great time!  They danced until the end, enjoyed the snacks and thanked the chaperones for being there and having the dance! Joey Johnson was crowned king, and Kodee Muhr was crowned Queen.  Congratulations to both of you!

The middle-school dance was a huge success!  Alexis Olson was crowned Princess and Drew Letcher was crowned Prince.  Congratulations to you both!  Winter Ball royalty has never happened for the middle school before, and the students were not aware of it until they were at the dance Friday night.  They all seemed to be enthusiastic about it!

Many, many thanks to the following people for help making the 2013 Winter Balls successful:

Student Council, (especially: Alexis Olson, Rebekah Holtmeier, Sam Kearns and Eli Badje), Mrs. Shimek and her husband, Larel and Megan Reimann, Mrs. Olson (who voluntarily helped clean up after both balls!), Paula Sibel, Toi Riggs and Miriam Kearns (who was there through thick and thin for both dances and brought great suppers for the chaperones and DJ’s), Ricky for pre and post help, Kerisa Marx (who gave up an entire afternoon to help decorate) and Zoe Schneider (who gave up her Friday evening to take pictures at the Junior High dance).

Also, thank you to the Toof’s, Laurin, the Marx’s, and Regg for the trees and other decorations that you loaned us! Thank you to Shannon for the Punch Bowl and Shelly Olson for the chocolate fountain!

100th Day Collection Contest

100 DayStudents in grades PreK through 5th brought in their 100th day collections of 100 things. There were displays with legos, paper clips, candies, paper cups…the list could go on and on. Middle Level/High School students and staff voted on the collections. Below are the top 3 selections from each division. 1st place received 3 gold dollars, 2nd place received two, and 3rd place received one.



1st Place: Tripp Buettner

2nd Place: Bo Thies

3rd Place: Aubry Anderson


1st Place: Abbey Russell

2nd Place: Krystyn Riggs

3rd Place: Noah Kelly

2nd & 3rd

1st Place: James Scherbarth

2nd Place: Aisha Corrall

3rd Place: Logan DeCoste

4th & 5th

1st Place: Hannah Wohl

2nd Place: Hayly Hopkins

3rd Place: Bailey Scherbarth

Elementary to Celebrate 100th Day

100 DayThe 100th day of school is scheduled for February 19th. This is always an exciting day for the elementary students.  We start the day by wearing our pajamas to school and eating a breakfast of fluffy pancakes and sausage links in the cafeteria. We also are asking all students preK-5 to bring in a collection of 100 items; be creative as there will be prizes awarded for the top three collections in each group: PreK, K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.  Winners of the 100th day collections will be announced on February 28th at the Family Math Night.

  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel