Preschool St. Patrick’s Day

Preschool has been busy plotting and planning in order to catch that pesky leprechaun this year. We have brainstormed ideas of what leprechauns are and what leprechauns like then created individual blueprints of our own traps and finally brought the very best of each idea together to create the perfect leprechaun trap together as a class.

Hopefully on Monday our trap will hold an (un)lucky little leprechaun!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Pledge Helpers

Our morning Pre-K kids leading the Pledge of Allegiance today.  Thank you girls!

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

PreK St. Patrick’s Day

The morning and afternoon preschool class has been learning about leprechauns (and how to trap them) in order to prepare for St. Patrick’s Day! They have worked so hard both individually and as a group to brainstorm and design the perfect leprechaun trap! Hopefully we find a little leprechaun at the end of our preschool rainbow on Monday with gold coins and good luck for all of us! 🍀

Read Across America Week

Read Across America Week! March 4-7, 2024

One Fish, Two Fish…
*Wear red or blue

Cat in the Hat
*Wear a hat or red and white

Fox in Socks
*Wear crazy or mismatched socks

The Lorax
Green Eggs and Ham
*Wear either orange or green to show which book you like the most!

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