5th Grade Chemistry

Today, 5th graders developed the idea that chemical reactions create new materials that have useful and interesting properties. We learned that fireworks, rubber, and Silly Putty were all results of chemical reactions, some by accident! We experimented by combining different substances and watched for chemical reactions that created goo. Each student then created their own batch of green goo to take home!

5th Grade Virtual Field Trip

The fifth graders took part in Water Across Nebraska, a virtual program for 4-6th graders, sponsored by the Nebraska Extension and the Nemaha Natural Resource District. Our greatest natural resource in Nebraska is water. Through this virtual field trip, we learned the importance of environmental stewardship to protect and properly use our natural resources. We watched a demonstration of a water table to see how surface and ground water are connected and played Water Jeopardy.
We also participated in the following hands-on activities:
Water Detective: How much water does your family use in a day?
When the Rain Water Rolls: We saw how materials can run-off into lakes, rivers, and streams when it rains.
Over the Banks: We compared Nebraska rivers at different times of the year to see how the water levels changed and how that affected the land around the river.
Break the Tension: We observed similarities between a water strider and the number of droplets that can fit on the head of a penny.

Parents Make The Difference Feb. 2021 Newsletter

Parents make the difference! is a four-page, evidence-based newsletter that provides practical, proven information for parents, on a comprehensive array of school success topics, in a format that is best for you and your school.

Please click the link below to check out this month’s newsletter:

Parents make the difference! February 2021 newsletter

Parents make the difference! February 2021 calendar

Sheridan County CARE Group

Sheridan County CARE Group delivering a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) lesson to our K-5th grade students. Pictured are Jeanie Snyder, Ruby Tiensvold and Bev Wellnitz. Also, pictured is Alberta Olson who volunteers her time almost every day working with our kids.

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