Jr. Class Magazine Sales

The juniors are out-and-about selling magazines until September 28th. This is a great opportunity for you to purchase new magazines or renew the ones that you already buy plus help the juniors raise money to put on their prom. If you’d like to make your purchase or renewal with a credit or debit card, please follow the steps below.

This will be the only junior class fundraiser for their prom this year.

The juniors and their parents will also be doing other separate fundraising for the post-prom party.


All School Play

Hay Springs high school students present an all school play this week!

Hay Springs High will present the popular one act play ‘Check Please’ Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium.

Cast members include, Seth Nowak, Quinn Tiensvold, Kaelob Marx, Emma Roberts, Mattie Johnson, Sam Kearns, Drew Letcher, Sydney Tlustos, Katie Scherbarth, and Garrett Weyers.

The action revolves around the crazy world of Blind Dates!! Guy and/or Girl every find a ‘normal’ person to date, or is that asking waaay too much? Dinner with these over the top characters is hilarious! This play is fun for all!

Beth Jungck, Director

Important: School Improvement Survey

In an effort to support continuous improvement in education at Hay Springs, we ask the community for their input on Hay Springs Public Schools.  We are asking all students, parents, and community citizens to complete a short survey.  Thank you in advance for your participation. Use the link below or the QR code to access the survey.

School Improvement Survey

School Improvement Survey

The Preschool Receive a Visit from Local Firemen

Hero. Strong. Courageous. Brave. Honorable. These are just a few of many words that we used to describe firemen. This week (Fire Safety Week) our preschool class received a visit from two of our local firefighters. Matt Anderson and Everett Langford took time out of their busy schedules to teach the afternoon preschool class all about fire safety. We learned how to Stop, Drop and Roll, how to check a door if it is hot, how to crawl out of a burning building and even how to call for help if we are in an emergency. The firemen let us try on their turnout gear and let us try and lift their air tanks….boy are those heavy!! Our favorite part was riding on the fire truck around town. Matt even turned on the siren for us! Throughout the rest of the week you could find us dressing up and pretending to be firemen and help rescue each other. If you happened to walk through the halls this week you may have even heard us making the fire whistle sound!

We want to send a shout out to all of the local firemen who help keep us safe in an emergency. Your dedication and sacrifice for others is truly amazing. Thank you for all that you do!

Picture Day’s Scheduled for next week. Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st


Elementary/ML/HS Picture Day’s has been scheduled for Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st. Shiela L. Studio will be doing our pictures again this year. Pictures will take place in the old auditorium. Please enter through the office doors. Thank you!

Monday, Sept. 29th

1. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)

Tuesday, Sept. 30th

1. Elementary Teacher’s and Para’s (prior to school)
2. PREK (Am) first thing (will eat breakfast at 9am)
3. Kindergarten
4. 1st
5. 2nd
6. 3rd
7. 4th
8. 5th
9. Community Pictures 11:30 am- 12:30 pm – Please call Shiela if this time does not work for you.
10. Janitors (Ricky, Jill, Alan) and Wendy (2pm)
11. Sports – JH VB, JH FB, JH XC and HS XC (after school)
12. Flags

Wednesday, Oct. 1st

1. ML/HS Teachers – (prior to school) Larel and Beth also
2. 6th + class officers
3. 7th + class officers
4. 8th + class officers
5. 9th + class officers
6. Afternoon Pre K (come to school at 11:15am)
7. 10th + class officers
8. 11th + class officers
9. 12th class officers and class picture
10. Admin
12. HS Big Sports Picture (Wear your favorite jersey, out of all sports which sport do you like the best)

Tentative schedule

Punt, Pass, and Kick – Sept 21

football1Hay Springs Public School will be hosting Punt, Pass, and Kick on Sunday, September 21st at 3:00 p.m. Boys and Girls ages 6-15 are welcome. Register online @ www.nflppk.com or fill out the entry form available below. There is no charge to participate. All participants must show proof of age at all levels of competition. Please contact Anna Turman 308-430-1849 or Linda Raymer 308-430-0900 with any questions.

PPK 2014 Rules

PPK Age Verification Chart

PPK 2014 Entry Form

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