FCA Offers Camp Opportunities

FCA1The Hay Springs FCA Huddle continues to meet each week on Monday’s during the Junior High and High School lunch hour.  We are currently working through The Called to Compete Curriculum presented each week by Nebraska coach, Ron Brown.  It’s fun to watch the students grow in their passion for the game and their walk of faith.

We have some very important upcoming events and camps.  We are again planning to host a fun night sometime in late February or early March and an end of year event in May.  I will keep the students posted on the dates for those events.  If you are not familiar with these events, we typically invite a CSC athlete to speak, eat some food and play games.

Most importantly, the Hay Springs FCA is willing to pay for any interested student-athlete to attend one of the camps below.

  • Distance Running Camp June 11-14 Scottsbluff, NE
  • Black Hills Sports Camp June 18-22 Spearfish, SD

(Sports Available: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track & Field, Cross Country, Tennis, Golf and Swimming)

Bus transportation is available from Chadron

These camps are high quality camps hosted by Division I and II coaches and athletes.  Any parent or student is encouraged to speak with Jason Badje or Jim Varvel in regards to the program or camp.  Information can also be found on the Nebraska FCA website at www.nebraskafca.org.

God Bless,

Jim Varvel

Gordon-Rushville Middle School Tournament – 2/16/13

Basketball PreviewGordon-Rushville Middle School Boys Basketball Tournament will be held Feb. 16,2013.

Game #1: G-R “B” vs. Bennett Co. “B”
Game #2: Crawford vs. Cody-Kilgore
Game #3: Bennett Co. vs. Ha)’ Springs
Game £4: G-R vs. Game #2 Winner
Game #5: American Horse vs. Game #3 Winner
Game #6: Loser Game #2 vs. Loser Game #3
Game #7: G-R “C” vs. Bennett Co. “C”
Game #8: Third Place Game- Loser #4 vs. Loser #5
Game #9: Championship- Winner #4 vs. Winner #5

JHBBB Panhandle Conference Bracket

Pop’s Concert Scheduled

danceThe Pop’s Concert is scheduled for Thursday,  February 21st at 7pm.  The theme for this years concert is “kids music,” it will consist of many Disney songs as well as a few selections from some musical theater!  The Swing Choir and High School Choir & ML/HS Band will perform.  There will also be a special performance by this summers “elementary swing choir fun camp” group.  Please plan to attend!

Elementary to Celebrate 100th Day

100 DayThe 100th day of school is scheduled for February 19th. This is always an exciting day for the elementary students.  We start the day by wearing our pajamas to school and eating a breakfast of fluffy pancakes and sausage links in the cafeteria. We also are asking all students preK-5 to bring in a collection of 100 items; be creative as there will be prizes awarded for the top three collections in each group: PreK, K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.  Winners of the 100th day collections will be announced on February 28th at the Family Math Night.

Elder’s Wisdom Honorees Announced

The Video Production class has been busy planning for the Elders’ Wisdom Program, 2013. Honorees this year are Delmer Hindman and Margaret Bork, both long-time residents of the Hay Springs area. The students are learning about how to conduct an oral history interview and to produce a short film about each honoree. In the process, they are using historical resources to learn about local history and the times in which the honorees lived. The students recently visited Mr. Hindman and Mrs. Bork in their homes, in order to properly introduce themselves and to plan with each honoree for a filmed interview.

The Elders’ Wisdom Program is set to be held on the evening of Thursday, April 11. As in past years, a meal, entertainment, the films, and plenty of socializing will all be part of the event. Watch the Hip Hop for a formal announcement as the date draws near!


What is NePAS?

The State Board of Education and Nebraska Department of Education developed a state accountability system as required by state law 79-760.06. assessment1The State Board of Education adopted a system that is based on student scale scores within grades, buildings and districts. The system, Nebraska Performance Accountability (NePAS), is intended to inform educators, parents, school board members, community members and policymakers about the learning progress of Nebraska schools and school districts.

Key Components of NePAS:

1) Nebraska Performance Accountability System (NePAS), is effective for the first time this year.

2) The basis of the new accountability system is NeSA statewide test results, which indicate student learning based on state standards developed to measure career and college readiness.

3) The state’s goal for students is that they will be college and career ready when they graduate so they have a successful work, military and/or college experience.

4) The purpose of NePAS is to inform policy makers, the public and school officials about school district performance.

5) The new accountability system provides information about the progress of districts by looking at state test scale scores in a category

called STATUS as well as IMPROVEMENT and GROWTH.

6) NePAS ranks districts by the following grade level configurations:

Elementary grade-level configuration (grades 3-5)

Middle level grade-level configuration (grades 6-8)

Secondary grade-level configuration (grades 9-12)

District configuration (grades 3-12)

GRADUATION RATE- ranks districts by comparing the percentage of high school graduates.

What the rankings mean: The NePAS results rank school districts from 1 to 249 in reading, math, science, and writing.  If you ranked 2 on the writing test you were the second highest ranked of the 249 school districts in Nebraska. If you ranked 249 you were the lowest ranked school in Nebraska.

Hay Springs Schools scored quite well on all NePAS tests – scores were published in the school newsletter.  When you compare all school districts in Nebraska from Omaha to Hay Springs our test scores and ranking was outstanding.  We are all proud of our student success, quality teaching, and the overall quality of the education provided in Hay Springs Public Schools.

States of Matter

After studying states of matter in Science class the first graders created a graphic organizer showing examples of the three states of matter. They were created using Inspiration, a visual mapping and organizing program that has many applications for class use. Here are a couple of examples:

lib5 lib1 lib3

Summer Fun Camps 2013 – Planning Under Way

The planning of Summer Fun Camps 2013 is under way. This year our Summer Fun Camps are planned for June 3rd to 27th. We are continuing with our expanded schedule by incorporating full day and half day camps. Camp leaders may also choose from 1 day, 2 day, or 4 day camps.

We are looking for individuals and community groups who are interested in leading a camp this summer. If you would like to put your special talents or interests to use, join us in leading a fun summer camp this year. If you are interested or know of someone who may be, please contact Kim Marx or Shannon Langford here at the school or via email at shannon@panesu.org.

Summer Fun Camp 2013 Camp Worksheet

Meeting for Music Parents

fundraiserThere will be an informational meeting for 8th-11th grade music parents whose students are interested in going on a music trip in the Spring of 2014 on Tuesday, February 5th at 7pm in the music room.  We will discuss the trip itself, the cost and fundraising options.  Please plan to attend!

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