Second Grade Grinches

Learning got Grinchy today in second grade!

We studied the story, picked out the problem and solution, and talked about how the Grinch changed his behavior and made a good choice to be KIND. We look up to the Grinch for having a change of heart and choosing to be kind!

We had phonics Grinch style with green pencils and talked in Grinch voices! We made a diagram of the Grinch, wrote the room with words that start with g (especially our sight words!) and we did some Grinchy math!

Holiday Tournament

Hay Springs will not be participating in the 2020-21 HARRISON HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT December 21st and 22nd, 2020 at Sioux County High School.  Presently we are working on rescheduling games with Sioux Co. and Crawford.  No girls varsity practice until Monday, December 21st.  No varsity boys practice tonight, December 16th.

Hay Springs FFA Chapter District XII Leadership Skills Results

District XII Schools include: (Alliance, Bayard, Bridgeport, Banner County, Chadron, Crawford, Creek Valley, Garden County, Gordon-Rushville, Gering, Hay Springs, Hemingford, Kimball, Leyton, Minatare, Morrill-Mitchell, Potter-Dix, Sioux County, Scottsbluff, Sidney)

On Wednesday December 9th the District XII Leadership Skills Events were held virtually as Chadron State College was unable to host the event as in the past do to COVID. In the individual events Hay Springs had two individuals qualify for state competition. Abigail Russell received first Purple and was a State Qualifier in the Creed Speaking contest and RyLee Wolken received second purple in Senior Public Speaking and qualified to compete at state in April. Other individual award winners were Jaiden Anderson finishing in third place and receiving the 1st Blue award and is the alternate to State in Cooperative Speaking. Hannah Hoos received fifth place and a Blue award in the Employment Skills job interview competition and Adrianna Haffner received a red award in the Creed Speaking competition.

In the Team Events the Hay Springs 9th grade “Chapter Conduct of Meetings Team” placed first and will be competing at state. Team members included Abigail Russell, Abigail Nelson, Noah Kelly, Alexa Tonjes, Jordyn Anderson, and Jarhett Anderson and Taden Tobiasson. Alternates to this team were Ava McKillip, Adrianna Haffner, Hayden Boles. The 8th grade “Chapter Conduct of Meetings Team” were close behind finishing 4th place and receiving a blue award. Eighth grade team members included Lillian Dorshorst, Kaylee Kaiser, Jaelyn Rasmussen, Dylan Raymer, Dylan Young, Zahaven Henry, Cutter Scott, and Talan Smith was the 8th grade alternate team member.

In the “Senior Parliamentary Law Team” competition our sophomore team finished with a Blue Award. team members were Braydon Binger, Molly Spicer, Jett Rasmussen, Colter Meeks, Breely Smith, and Hally Johnson. Team alternates ere Mia Skinner & Augustus Scott. Our Junior and Senior “Parliamentary Law Team” received a Red Award and consisted of Jaiden Anderson, Bailey Scherbarth, Laney Smith, Logan DeCoste, Jazlyn Smith, and Elissa Reina.
Congratulations to all of these students the to the very positive way they represented our school and community in these District Leadership Skills Events.
We would also like to thank Mr. Hagge for supporting our FFA Chapter by volunteering his time to serve as a judge for the day’s events and huge thank you to Mr. Larel Reimann for assisting with the technology and set up of these events.

Hay Springs FFA Chapter Greenhand and Chapter Degree Ceremonies & 2020-21 Officer Installations

On November 17th the Hay Springs FFA Chapter conducted our Greenhand ceremonies for our 2019-20 members and our new 2020-21 FFA members. We also conducted Chapter Degree ceremonies for the 2019-20 members who were to receive their Greenhand degree last spring when we had planned our first annual banquet which was COVID canceled. Our ceremonies only included members of the FFA member’s immediate families and was live streamed by our great technology coordinator, Larel Reimann.

The evening began with the formal opening ceremonies conducted by the 2019-20 officers who include Seniors, president Hannah H, treasurer Jaiden A, parliamentarian RyLee W, Juniors, secretary Laney S, chaplain Jazlyn S, sentenal Logan D and historian Elissa R, and Sophomores, vice-president Braydon B, reporter Jett R. Following the opening ceremonies Ms. RyLee Wolken presented a welcome followed by an invocation by Jazlyn Smith.
The formal Greenhand Degree ceremonies were conducted by 2019-20 officers and Mr. Lechtenberg. As part of these ceremonies Abigail Nelson, Adrianna Haffner and Abigail Russell each presented the FFA Creed, which outlines the basic belief of all FFA members. Greenhand Certificates and pins will be presented during Ag class in the near future. Students receiving the Greenhand degrees were: Jaiden A, Hannah H, Bailey S, RyLee W, Logan D, Elissa R, Laney S, Jazlyn S, Braydon B, Colter M, Jett R, Toby S, Augustus S, Hally J, Mia S, Breely S, Molly S, Jarhett A, Jordyn A, Adrianna H, Noah K, Ava M, Abigail N, Abigail R, Taden T, Alexa T

Following the Greenhand ceremonies Mr. Lechtenberg acknowledged members who successfully participated in District XII and State Leadership Skills Events and the Career Development Events. Those members receiving individual awards during the 2019-20 were; Hannah H, Jaiden A, RyLee W, Bailey S, Laney S, Jazlyn S, Braydon B, Colter M, Jett R, Toby S, and Augustus S. Individual Leadership Skills events areas where our students received awards included Senior and Junior Public speaking, Cooperative Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Creed speaking and Employment Job Skills Interview competition.
Hay Springs chapter members also received Leadership Skills Event team awards in Senior Parliamentary Procedure where we had two teams competing and receive a blue and red awards.

In the District and State Career Development Events competition students received individual and team recognition in the following areas of competition; Agri-Science, Floriculture, Livestock Management, Livestock Selection, Meats, Agronomy and Farm Business Management competition.

Mr. Lechtenberg also recognized and thanked those businesses and individuals who have supported our chapter in its first year of reinstatement as a member of the Nebraska FFA Association and the National FFA Organization.

The 2019-20 officer team then conducted the ceremonies for those individuals that have met the requirements for the FFA Chapter Degree. Those members receiving the Chapter Degree included; Jaiden A, Hannah H, Bailey S, RyLee W, Logan D, Elissa R, Laney S, Jazlyn S, Braydon B, Colter M, Jett R, Toby S, Augustus S, Molly S. These students will also receive their Chapter Degree medals and certificates during class in the near future. These students have developed Supervised Agricultural Experience programs and are well on their way to receiving their State FFA degree in their senior year. Congratulations to these students on their accomplishments in FFA and we encourage them to continue to growth through their involvement and participation in our FFA activities.

The final event of the evening was the installation of the 2020-21 by the 2019-20 officer team. Our 2020-21 officers were selected after five members of our committee served as a nominating committee to review the applications of fourteen very qualified students to select the individual students to serve as members of the Hay Springs FFA Chapter Officer team for 2020-21. This group of officers will serve our chapter until May when hopefully we can conduct are first annual banquet honoring the achievements of 2020-21 competitions and installing officers for the 2021-22 year. Our 2020-21 officer team includes President-Hannah Hoos, Vice-President-Jaiden Anderson, Secretary-RyLee Wolken, Treasurer-Molly Spicer, Reporter-Bailey Scherbarth, Parliamentarian-Logan DeCoste, Sentential-Jett Rasmussen, Jr. Adviser-Braydon Binger, Historian-Breely Smith, and Chaplain-Mia Skinner. Congratulations to our new officers as we look forward to a very successful year.
The evening concluded with the closing ceremonies and the pledge to our flag.

Other FFA Events
On November 4th the new Hay Springs FFA jackets arrived so that all of our members now have jackets and are ready to represent our chapter with pride wherever we travel for events and competition. Our first competitive event will be held virtually as our members will compete in the District XII Leadership Skills Events on December 9th. Students will be competing individually in Senior Public Speaking, Cooperative Speaking and Creed Speaking and in the Parliamentary Procedure and the Chapter Conduct of Meetings team events. We want to wish these students the best of luck as they attempt to advance to state level competition.

Hay Springs FFA Has Been Active In November

As announced earlier in the year our FFA chapter received a $8,000 matching fund grant from the Nebraska FFA Foundation. This was the result of an application submitted in the spring of 2020 for the chapter to develop a chapter goat production program. It is our hope that this program will provide some hands-on student experiences in the livestock industry with a minimum of investment. We also hope to provide the opportunity for members of the Hay Springs FFA Chapter to exhibit goats at the area county fairs. This process is well underway with the anticipation of having baby goats on campus yet this winter.

The first step in this process is to raise the matching funds to complete this project. We received tremendous support up to this point. We have received notice that the Nebraska FFA Foundation’s “I Believe in Ag” program has received over $5,500 in donations in behalf of the Hay Springs FFA Chapter. This includes a generous donation from Security First Bank and individual personal donations as well as the James Scott family/Gordon Livestock Market fundraiser.

James Scott Family and Gordon Livestock Market
One of the major contributions was the result of the James Scott family donation of a feeder steer at the Gordon Livestock Market. The Gordon Livestock Market sold the feeder steer in a roll-over auction and generated over $4,600 for the benefit of our Hay Springs FFA Chapter. Mr. Badje, and Mr. & Mrs. Lechtenberg took 18 FFA members to the sale to show our appreciation for those individuals that contributed to this awesome fundraiser for our FFA Chapter. Those attending were Animal Science students Jett R, Logan D, Molly S, Toby S, Mia S, Hannah H, Braydon B, Breely S, Hally J, Augustus S, and Introduction to Agri-Science students Noah K, Alexa T, Abigail R, Jordyn A, Tadden T, Ava M, Jarhett A, and Abigail N.

We would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their support at the Gordon Livestock Market/Scott family fundraiser for the Hay Springs FFA Chapter; Gary & Diane Sandage, Koinzan & Thompson, Spitoon Ranch Inc., Tom Tines, Pieper Red Angus, Tom Marcy, Shawn Combs, Topp Herefords- Ryan & Prairie Topp, Rager Trucking, Dave & Mel Sexon, C & H Haying, Antelope Creek, John Witt, Judd Hoos, Bart Weaver, Jarrod Anderson, Casey Wilmot, Bowen Arrow Ranch, Russ & Sue Lechtenberg, Six J’s Ranch-Jason Scott and a special thanks to the Gordon Livestock Market for their promotion and support of this fundraising activity.

Hay Springs FFA Meat & Cheese and Fruit Sales
Our fruit sales committee recently totaled our chapter’s Meat, Cheese and Fruit orders totaling over $10,000, which again shows the tremendous support of our community for our FFA members and their efforts. The delivery of the Meat, Cheese and Fruit should arrive in mid-December so you should have your orders prior to the Christmas holidays. Thank You to all who supported this program and if you did not get contacted by an FFA member about purchasing fruit and/or meat and cheese, we did order some extra product which will be available on a first come first serve basis upon its arrival.

Other Fund Raisers
Chapter members have also had great support as they conducted a free-will donation pork Barbeque at a football game and have ran several concession stands during volleyball and the football season.

Goat Project Next Steps
With the funding for the development of our goat production program well underway, construction of the goat kidding barn began this week. The industrial technology students working with the Ag students under the supervision of Mr. Badje will be constructing the building on skids in the IT Building. We will be constructing a 12’ x 20’ insulated building to be utilized as a kidding barn and to provide housing for the goats as needed throughout the year. Students will be included in the entire construction process to include electrical wiring, insulation, paneling of the interior walls, and the application of metal to the outside and roof. Building construction will also include the installation of a door and one window. Students will also construct pens for kidding in the barn and construct fence to create an area for holding goats near the barn.

Two breeding does have been donated from Brianna and Alexa Tonjes and are being bred at Ponca Valley Show goats who will also be donating bred does to our initial breeding doe herd. Our Ag students will be involved in every stage of the production cycle from birth to delivery and the management of the does and kids through the weaning, training for shows, as well as selection of future breeding does. As the excitement builds for this project, if you have a desire to contribute to our efforts to match the $8,000 grant you can do so by contacting any FFA member, Mr. Lechtenberg, or send donations to the Nebraska FFA Foundation “I Believe in Ag” campaign to support the Hay Springs FFA Chapter.

Spanish Christmas

The poinsettia is known as the “Flower of Christmas Eve.” The flower is native to Mexico and can also be found in Central America. It is named after the first United States Minister to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett. The flower itself began being associated with Christmas in the 16th century.

Legend tells that a young girl, too poor to provide presents for Christmas, was told by an angel to gather weeds and take them to the church altar. The weeds then turned into beautiful poinsettias and began being associated with the holiday season all throughout Mexico.

“Feliz Navidad, a prospero ano y felicidad” is a traditional Christmas greeting meaning “Merry Christmas, a prosperous year and happiness.”

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