From Bennett County:
We do not have any fan limitations for this weekend. We recommend masks and to distance as much as possible in the facility. We will be live streaming the tournament and the Quad the night before at:
From Bennett County:
We do not have any fan limitations for this weekend. We recommend masks and to distance as much as possible in the facility. We will be live streaming the tournament and the Quad the night before at:
Bailey Scherbarth is a fun student to have in class! She almost always has a positive attitude and something great to contribute to our class discussions. She is kind, respectful, and helpful when dealing with her fellow peers. I have truly enjoyed getting to know her and love her honesty (especially about her college classes). Congrats Bailey! This is well deserved.
Bailey is a student who you can rely upon to get things done. She is always willing to do the jobs no one else wants to take care of and will organize people to get things done. Bailey is someone who can be relied on in tough situations.
Bailey is one of the more self-motivated students I have ever had. I have had many students who I would label as having a strong work ethic but Bailey goes beyond this description. She is reliable, a good classmate, funny and very strong-willed. We might be “rivals” at times in class, but I have the utmost respect for her. This recognition is well-deserved. I know she is going to have a big impact on many people as she moves forward in her life.
Visiting School: Hay Springs
Date: 1/16/2021
Activity: Basketball
Open Facility Time 12 p.m. MST
Game Time(s) 1:00 Girls JV (2 quarters), about 1:45 Boys JV (2 quarters). Girls Varsity starts at about 3:00 p.m. Boys Varsity will follow at about 5:00. We ask that all spectators exit the facility at the conclusion of the game.
Locker room Assignment Boys—JH Boys, Girls—JH Girls, Officials — Teachers Lounge
Concessions: normal
Gate: $4 Adults, $3 Students
Bus Information:
• When arriving in Potter, cross the railroad tracks and turn right on Front Street.
• Drive East 4 ½ blocks, then veer right onto the county road (dirt).
• Follow the county road around the curve to the 2nd driveway, turn left.
• There is a parking lot directly South of the gym where we would like you to park the bus.
• The single door on the east side of the school will be the team’s point of entry.
• Someone will meet you there and show you to the locker room. Call me at the number below when you get close.
No trainers will be present.
EMT: Potter Fire and Rescue
*Potter-Dix Schools COVID 19 Statement:
Per NSAA we are limited to 50% of capacity (130 each team = 260 total.) Please try to avoid interaction between fan bases and limit your time in the building. Buildings are sanitized on a daily basis. We are encouraging people to be aware of social distancing, hand washing and the people around them. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the facility and masks must be worn over the moth and nose at all times while inside the building unless you are actively participating in the game. Please check temperatures before arrival. We do ask that if you are sick, running a fever, or otherwise concerned about our protocols, you do not attend the games or enter the building. All contests will be available on Striv. Search for Potter-Dix schools. Thank you for your cooperation.
This is always subject to change. Thank you for your cooperation, patience and understanding.
For questions or concerns please contact Cory Michelman at 308.249.2842
Four Hay Springs students were able to participate in Oregon Trail Honor Band held in Bridgeport today. There will be a concert at 4:30. You can watch the concert on Bridgeport’s channel.
Enrollment is open
4-H enrollment for the 2020-2021 4-H year is now open. Youth can enroll by visiting Members need to enroll prior to participating in Shooting Sports practices. There is a $5 membership fee that can be paid online or at the Extension Office. If you will not be in Rushville, feel free to mail the payment to the 4-H Council at PO Box 23 Rushville, NE 69360.
Clover Buds
January 8th, 10-11 am – Zoom. Register for this meeting by calling the office at 308-327-2312. Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2021. These youth will experience teamwork, social interaction, and decision-making skills while participating in hands on activities. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2021 Sheridan County Fair.
Start working on your clothing/quilting projects for fair now! Free Sewing Clinics at the Extension Office:
January 8th 1-4 pm
January 22nd 1-4 pm
Market Beef Weigh-In
January 24th 1-3 pm at the Sheridan Livestock Market in Rushville.
Just to clarify, the Summer Food Service Program will continue through the school year. Breakfast and lunch will continue to be free of charge to any student 18 or younger.
Please check your accounts as seconds are not free and some accounts are outstanding and payments need applied to students to continue to get seconds and extra milk.
Thank you,
Jen Young
Hay Springs had 4 students selected for the Oregon Trail Honor Band:
Sam Hindman-tenor sax
Logan DeCoste-bari sax
Jocelyn Varvel-baritone
Gabriel Varvel-tuba.
The honor band will be held in Bridgeport on Monday, January 11th with the final concert scheduled for 4:30pm and is currently open to the public (masks will be required for those in attendance). You can also watch the concert live on Bridgeport’s channel.
Happy New Year! We have done great with beef and pork this last year. We are in need of 2 hogs and 2 beef to go to the processing plant by February 2nd, 2021. If you have been approached by anyone, please let Greg Heiting or Shavona Henry know, or call the school at 308-638-4434 and speak with either Mr. Lechtenberg or Mr. Hagge. Thank you!