Congratulations to Jocelyn Varvel for placing 3rd at the D1 state speech competition!
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Hay Springs Public School would like to THANK our Beef to Hot Lunch Program Supporters
S & V Livestock Registered Angus, Don and Mary Vanatta
Hinn Ranch, Tess Hinn
Zach Kraenow Cattle Company
Security First Bank, Hay Springs Branch
BNSF Railway
Sandhills State Bank
Sheridan Livestock Auction Company
Whispering Winds Vineyard, Russell and Sue Lechtenberg
KDK Meats, Bridgeport, Nebraska
Hoos Cow, Judd and Brandy Hoos
Marcy Cattle Company
Heiting Cattle Company, Greg and Megan Heiting
Lipps Cattle Company, Art and Carolyn Lipps
S & V Livestock Registered Angus, Don and Mary Vanatta
EJ Frink and Family
Smith Farms, Lynden and Alisa Smith
Binger Farms, Gary and Brant Binger
Hay Springs Public School is looking for donors for the 2021-2022 school year, if you are interested please contact the school office. Thank You Again!
SITE: Chadron State College – Nelson Physical Activity Center (NPAC)
TIME: Saturday, March 20th, 2021
8:00am Coaches’ Check In – Head Table NPAC Arena
9:00am Field Events Start (see schedule)
11:00am Running Events Start (see schedule)
FACILITY: 170M, 6 Lane oval, 8 Lane straight-away 3/16 pyramid spikes allowed. Shot Put will be thrown from a concrete ring.
COVID-19: Mask wearing is required at all times anywhere inside the Nelson Physical Activity Center. This will be STRICTLY enforced, and anyone failing to comply will be removed from the facility. Athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators will be required to wear a mask at all times and practice social distancing.
WARMUP & COMPETITION: There will be a strict schedule followed for this year’s meet. Track events will be given a 30-minute period to warmup in the indoor track facility before their event starts. Warm-up is allowed on the backstretch of the track when races are not in progress or outside.
MASKS & ATHLETES: Masks must remain on at all times unless an athlete is competing. In field events they must wear their mask in-between attempts. In track events, they can remove their masks only when called to the start line by the official.
PACKETS: Packets will be handed out at the coaches’ check-in.
SCORING: Non-scored meet.
TEAM CAMPS: Will be located in the racquetball courts and classrooms. Each team will be assigned a court at a later date. Please monitor your athletes while they are in the team camps.
ENTRIES: All entries will be done through Entries will be open until 7:00pm on March 19th. All of our meet information is located on our website at, under Schedules.
ENTRY LIMITS: We will not accept more than 500 boys and 500 girls total. If the team registrations meet that cap, registration will close.
ENTRY FEE: $75 men’s team / $75 women’s team. Make check payable to CSC Track & Field. Individuals are $5 per event entered.
RESULTS: Results will be available as soon as possible after the meet. Also available on our website
TIMING: Finish Lynx Timing (FAT).
QUESTIONS: Call Riley Northrup at 567.215.5403 or email
Schedule of Events
Field Events
9:00 a.m. Pole Vault (Girls followed by Boys) 8AM Girls warmup, boys TBD
Long Jump (Boys followed by Girls) 8AM Boys warmup, girls TBD
Shot Put (Boys followed by Girls) 8AM Boys warmup, girls TBD
High Jump (Girls followed by Boys) 8AM Girls warmup, boys TBD
Triple Jump (Boys followed by Girls—After Long Jump) TBD
**All field events will get 3 attempts and top 8 to finals. Minimum marks to be
measured as follows (each athlete will get their 1st legal mark measured, then
must meet the minimum):
Boys Long Jump – 15’6 Girls Long Jump – 13’
Boys Shot Put – 38’ Girls Shot Put – 30’
Boys Triple Jump – 36’ Girls Triple Jump – 28’
Running Events – Time schedule will be sent out and posted after entries close. Order of running events will be as follows:
First event on the track begins at 11AM (Medley Relay)
Medley Relay (G) Medley Relay (B) [1 lap, 1 lap, 2 laps, 4 laps]
60m Hurdles Finals (G) 60m Hurdles Finals (B)
60m Dash Finals (G) 60m Dash Finals (B)
3200m Run (G) 3200m Run (B)
400m Dash (G) 400m Dash (B)
800m Dash (G) 800m Dash (B)
200m Dash (G) 200m Dash (B)
1600m Run (G) 1600m Run (B)
4×400 Relay (G) 4×400 Relay (B)
Today, 5th graders developed the idea that chemical reactions create new materials that have useful and interesting properties. We learned that fireworks, rubber, and Silly Putty were all results of chemical reactions, some by accident! We experimented by combining different substances and watched for chemical reactions that created goo. Each student then created their own batch of green goo to take home!
The Hay Springs FFA members have had a very successful second year and are preparing to compete in three of the Leadership Skills Development Events. Abigail Russell will be competing in the State Creed Speaking Contest after winning the District XII contest, and RyLee Wolken will be competing in the Senior Public Speaking Contest. Our Freshman Chapter Conduct of Meeting Team also won the District XII competition and will be competing at State. Members of this team include: Abigail Russell, Alexa Tonjes, Abigail Nelson, Ava McKillip, Noah Kelly, Jarhett Anderson, Jordyn Anderson, Taden Tobiasson and alternates Adrianna Haffner and Hayden Boles. This contest will all be held virtually so the educational opportunity to travel to Lincoln and compete in person experience will not be part of this state competition.
Several members will also be competing in the state Career Development Events after qualifying in district competition. Team and individual competitions from earlier in the year is as follows:
Agricultural Sales Team: Hannah Hoos, Logan DeCoste, Jett Rasmussen, and Abigail Russell
Food Science Team: Hally Johnson, Laney Smith, Breely Smith and Alexa Tonjes
Farm and Agribusiness Management Team: Hannah Hoos, Logan DeCoste, Jett Rasmussen, Braydon Binger, Colter Meeks and Abigail Russell
March 3rd, Hay Springs FFA Chapter members competed in individual and six different team contests in Kimball, Nebraska. The six contests were Agricultural Science, Senior Livestock Evaluation, Junior Livestock Evaluation, Meat Evaluation, Nursery and Landscape, and Agronomy.
The Senior Livestock team placed 5th and qualified for state. These individuals judged 7 classes of beef, swine and sheep and gave reasons on two classes: the sim-angus bulls and the breeding gilt classes. The team consisted of Jett Rasmussen(placed 20th), Colter Meeks(placed 23rd), Jaiden Anderson(placed 25th), Logan DeCoste(placed 33rd), and Augustus Scott(placed 44th).
The Junior Livestock team included Abigail Russell(placed 1st), Mia Skinner(placed 15th), Molly Spicer(placed 17th). Breely Smith(played 31st), and Hally Johnson(placed 42nd). The team placed 4th and is a state qualifier.
The Nursery and Landscape team had to identify equipment, parasites, plants and flowers, took a general knowledge test and had to design a landscape activity as a team. Overall the team placed 3rd and qualified for state. The team members were: Bailey Scherbarth(placed 6th), Abigail Nelson(placed 7th), Alexa Tonjes(placed 11th), Laney Smith(placed 12th), and Sissy Reina.
The Ag Science team placed 1st and qualified for state. The contest was the completion a 50 question test about the agricultural industry including agribusiness, ag processing, animals, plants and dissection of a flower while identifying the parts of a flower. The first team included Ava McKillip(placed 1st), Abigail Russell(placed 2nd), Alexa Tonjes(placed 3rd) and Abigail Nelson(placed 5th). The second Hay Springs ag science team placed third and consisted of Noah Kelly, Jordyn Anderson, Jarhett Anderson, Adriana Haffner. Alternate team members were Taden Tobiasson and Hayden Boles.
The Meats team competed well and will also be competing at state. The teams were scored based on a meat evaluation test, the placing of 4 classes of wholesale and retail cuts including: T-Bone steaks, short loin, pork chops, and rib chops. They also had to identify 30 retail cuts via slideshow. The Meats team consisted of Braydon Binger, Toby Scherbarth, and RyLee Wolken.
The Agronomy team had to do some math questions about fertilizer and acres, and identify crops, insects, weeds, crop diseases, and equipment. Team members also completed a test about crops, soils and water conservation, and fertilizer etc. The Agronomy team consisted of Noah Kelly, Jordyn Anderson, Jarhett Anderson and Taden Tobiason. Our Agronomy team will also be competing at state.
Hay Springs Public Schools is no longer mandating the wearing of masks. We are encouraging students and staff members to wear masks if they are unable to socially distance. If teachers request students wear masks in their classrooms, students will be expected to honor that request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the administration. Thank you in advance for your support.
So excited to announce our spring concert dates!
Monday, March 29th : High school band & choir to Edgemont for PANCO music contest (all day)
Tuesday, April 6th : 6th grade band & choir; 7th & 8th grade band & choir-auditorium (7pm)
Tuesday, April 20th : High school band & choir-Pre-contest concert-auditorium (7pm)
Wednesday, April 21st : High school band & choir to Alliance for District Music Contest (all day)
Monday, May 10th : 4th-5th grade spring concert-auditorium (7pm)
Wednesday, May 19th : Prek-11th grade talent show (TBA)