Fire Safety Week

Three members of the Hay Springs Volunteer Fire Department took time out of their day to meet with elementary students for Fire Safety Week. Craig Housh, Matt Anderson, and Terry Bronson talked with students about the importance of knowing what to do in case of a fire. Please review your family’s plan with your child including: a safe meeting location, how to call 911, knowing their home address, and having a safe exit out of the house.

Flexible Seating

Second Grade teacher Mrs. Vander May signed her class up for a Donors Choose project asking for donations for flexible seating. Last week the donations were met including a donation of magazine and box tops fundraising. The second grade classroom has a complete set of unique seats for each student to use! Using these different types of seats we hope to gain muscle strength and balance, and have the ability to let their little bodies wiggle while focusing. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped fund-raise!

2nd Grade Post Office Field Trip

Second grade asked for a Scholastic book sponsor to provide $9 for each student to receive a dollar book each month for the rest of the year.  We had an overwhelming group of sponsors from Hay Springs, Nebraska to Oklahoma! So we practiced our friendly letters, wrote “thank you” letters, took a class picture of everyone with their new books, and finally made an exciting trip to the post office to stamp, send, and sort our letters as we learned how postal workers are community helpers! We also found our personal mailboxes from the postal worker side!

Junior Magazine Sales

The Junior class is selling magazine subscriptions again this year to help raise money for Prom.  The online store(accessed by clicking the image below) stays open all year and the class gets a percentage of anything that is sold.  You can also go and use the School ID of “2637262” when placing your order.  If you are planning on renewing a subscription anyway, why not help the Junior class out!

Dot Day 2018

Dot Day is September 15th-ish. Officially it is the 15th, but if you can’t do it on that day, you do it when you can. We are reading The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and creating different dot projects. The Dot is the story of a girl who thinks she can’t draw, but an understanding art teacher gives her the courage and creativity to draw numerous dots. She passes this message on to a small boy who says “I can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler.” Click on Dot Day to see the students’ work. Different projects will be added all week so continue to check in.

Please Take Our CIP Survey

As part of the Continuing Improvement Program at Hay Springs Public Schools, we not only measure the academic success of our students, but also the quality of relationships with parents, staff, and community members.  To measure the perceptions of our school, the committee has prepared a survey specifically for each target group.  Your participation in this survey will help us focus our efforts on improving the learning experience for our students, the working environment for our teachers and staff, and our relationships with parents and community members.  Thank
you for taking the time to help Hay Springs Public Schools continue to empower students to achieve lifelong success for years to come.

Please follow this link to complete the survey!

Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner!

Nebraska Beef to Hot Lunch Program is a reality at Hay Springs Public School.  The students, staff, administration and the Board of Education are extremely excited about the fact that we will be serving locally grown beef in our school lunch program.  This program is a great way to support the health and nutrition of the student attending Hay Springs School.  Today, we had a “Beef to Table Kick-off” event prior to our first home football and volleyball games to be held on Friday, September 7th.  Parents and patrons were invited to join us for the noon meal.

We are so grateful to those individuals on the Board of Education and local beef producers that have been instrumental in researching and developing this very important program.  Their dedication towards getting locally produced beef on the table for our students is greatly appreciated.  A huge thanks go to those who have contributed to the success of our initial stage of this program.  Those include Sheridan Livestock Market and Judd Hoos for donating the first two beef animals, Security First Bank for paying for the processing, BNSF Railroad and Russ and Sue Lechtenberg for donating freezers, Greg Heiting and Brian Forney for transporting the animals to slaughter and processed beef back to the school, and to Sandhill’s State Bank for their monetary donation.  KDK Meats at Bridgeport, Nebraska, a USDA inspected packing plant is where the beef was process and KDK donated the cost of the inspection and testing for the animals and processing.

Local beef producers are stepping up in a big way to provide nutritious beef to our students.  We currently have two additional animals donated for processing later in the year but will need additional animals as we continue this program.  If you are interested in supporting this program in any manner, please contact the Hay Springs School administrative office or any of our Board of Education members.

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