We are again doing Super Passes for High School & Middle Level students. Here are the requirements for the Super Pass for 2020-2021 Quarter 1.


  • 0 Ineligibility
  • 1 or fewer Tardies
  • 2 or fewer absences
  • 0 office referrals
  • 5 Hours of Community Service

Community Service forms can be picked up from Adiene in the office or Mrs. Heiting in the 1st grade classroom. Ms. Adriene is also compiling a list of businesses or individuals who have requested some assistance. If you’re not sure HOW to serve, stop by and ask her how you can get involved! Once a form is completed, make sure to turn it into Mrs. Heiting in the 1st grade classroom!

Students who meet these requirements will receive:
Middle Level

  • 1 Free Tardy
  • Drop lowest grade on a daily assignment
  • Front of the Line for Lunch
  • 1 free supervised period on campus (preapproved)

High School

  • 1 Free Tardy
  • Drop lowest grade on a daily assignment
  • 2 Open Campus Lunches
  • Free Half Day Off of School (pre-approved; responsible for all work missed)

HS Music Notes

In October the Kindergarten & 1st grade classes will be putting out their fall virtual concert. In December the 2nd & 3rd grade students will be putting out their winter virtual concert.

INSTRUMENT DONATION: If you have an instrument that is just collecting dust, I would encourage you to consider donating it to the school for someone to use! Thank you in advance for consideration!

Hot Springs Cross Country Meet

On Tuesday, September 22nd, cross country participated in the Hot Springs meet. This was probably the hardest course they have run this year and did great!

Ava McKillip placed 6th in the Junior Varsity division — 29:44.08
Parker Wellnitz placed 8th in the Jr. High boys division — 16:19.60
Aubry Anderson placed 8th in the Jr. High girls division — 18:18.57
Julia Russell placed 10 in the Jr. High girls division — 18:26.33
Alaina Raymer was just short of placing in the top 15 with a time of 19:34.36
Ever Peters ran one of her best races with a time of 20:23.16
Andi Twarling also ran hard and gave it her best with a time of 21:09.35

Conference JH Volleyball 09/26

Panhandle Conference
Host: Crawford


MATCH #1 9:00 am Hemingford vs Hay Springs

MATCH #2 10:00am Edgemont vs Sioux County

MATCH #3 11:00am Morrill vs St. Agnes

MATCH #4 12:00pm Winner of #2 vs Winner of #1

MATCH #5 1:00pm Crawford vs Winner of #3

15 Minute Break

MATCH #6 2:15pm Winner of #5 vs Winner of #4

August 2020 Student of the Month

Starting in the 2020-21 school year Hay Springs High School is going to be selecting a student of the month award. Each month teachers and staff will nominate a student they feel best reflects the qualities that best represent what a good citizen of Hay Springs High School looks like. The criteria include, but are not limited to exceptional grades, improvement in grades, work ethic, citizenship, attitude, etc.

The first recipient of the Hay Springs High School student of the month is a young man who has demonstrated many of these traits. He is a leader in school. He caught the attention of a teacher because he took the time to help another student when others did not. He is a leader on the athletic field and court. He is one of the kindest students in the school. That young man is Charles “Chaz” “Little Chuckie” “Charlie” Twarling. Chaz, as most people refer to him as is a distinguished young man. He is admired and liked by almost everyone in the school. His disposition is one of a kind, funny, caring young man. It is well suited that Chaz in awarded the first student of the month award at Hay Springs High School. Here is what some of his teachers had to say about Chaz.

  • “Chaz is one of the kindest students at Hay Springs School. I have watched him play basketball for years and have been amazed at his leadership on the court. I have watched him selflessly serve his team by setting up plays to make sure others can score. He has sacrificed his own glory to make sure others get to be a part of the game.”
  • “Chaz has an amazing sense of humor.”
  • “I have been Chaz’s teacher for many years. He has been one of the most respectful, funny, and kind students I have had in my career. He is a great classmate and teammate to his peers. He leads by example and includes everybody and is well-liked by everyone in the school.” The one thing I most admire about him is that he is the same person when he thinks no one is watching. He is just a good kid. I look forward to seeing what he chooses to do with the rest of his life.”
  • “I would like to nominate Chaz Twarling for the student of the month. Each day he walks one of our students to breakfast. He always reminds her to use the hand sanitizer and keeps her focused in the line. He is so patient and kind. He uses good manners when going through the breakfast line.”
  • “Chaz is a very respectful young man who seems very appreciative of the opportunities Hay Springs school provides for him to be involved. He is very involved in our school activities and is a role model for our younger students. He is an asset to our student body with his contagious smile and positive attitude.”
  • “One thing that has impressed me about Chaz this year was how he handled a disappointment. He really wanted to go be a part of the student section for an away volleyball game, but he knew he had to stay for football practice. He told me how frustrated he was about it, but he stayed and did what he was supposed to do. I made sure to tell him how proud I was of him for making the right decision. He also shows great leadership qualities in Journalism class. When the subject gets too far off-topic, he is quick to steer it back to whatever I was hoping to discuss. He’s a fun guy to have in class! “
  • “Chaz is a wonderful young man. He always has a smile and a hello for everyone. This is well deserved!”

Congratulations Chaz on being selected August 2020 student of the month. Everyone at Hay Springs High School is very proud of you!

Alliance Cross Country Meet

We had a cross country meet in Alliance on Saturday, September 19th. Julia, Andi, and Ever ran for the Jr. high and Ava ran for High School! They all ran hard! Ava came away with 5th place in the Jr. Varsity Division and a new personal record!! Our next meet will be in Gordon on the 24th at 4 p.m. at the golf course. We would love to see you there cheering us on!

Julia: 15:56.41
Ever: 16:52.62
Andi: 17:14.32
Ava: 26:55.08

Chadron Cross Country Meet

The kids ran at Chadron on Saturday, September 12th. This is one of the hardest courses they will run this season and they killed it. They all walked away with personal records! The next meet is on Saturday September 19th in Alliance.

Ava– 28:56:60
Parker– 13:03:09

Farmers Grow Communities

Last fall, like I do every year, I entered the Farmers Grow Communities contest, sponsored by the Bayer Fund, and it was my LUCKY year! America’s Farmers Grow Communities partners with farmers to support nonprofit organizations to strengthen rural communities. The program offers farmers the chance to direct a $2,500 donation to a nonprofit of their choice. When I found out I had won in January, I was extremely excited! After talking it over with Rick, we decided to donate it to the nonprofit organization that means the most to me, Hay Springs Public School. I chose to split the money between the Elder’s Wisdom program and the Veterans Day program, the two programs that I hold near and dear to my heart. I hope that this $2,500 donation will allow these programs to continue for years to come. I feel they grow our rural community of Hay Springs by bridging the gap between generations and growing our youth through the wisdom of our elders. Farmers watch for the postcard in the mail and enter the contest, it might just be your LUCKY year!

–Emma Strotheide

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