Senior Class Students & Parents

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Gordon-Rushville High School will be hosting an EducationQuest Financial Aid Program on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 6:00 pm.  Financial aid and the FAFSA will be discussed at this meeting.  Every student who attends or has a parent attend will be entered for a chance to win a $500 scholarship.

For an overview video of the FAFSA process click on the following link:

For other financial aid resources visit: or

EducationQuest can also be reached at 800-303-3745

Jason Cline to be New Superintendent

Mr. Jason Cline, from Wellington, Kansas, has been hired as the new Superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year. Mr. Cline, his wife, and two children (Grades 2 and 4) will be moving to Hay Springs this summer.

Mr. Cline’s contract is posted for the community to view. The School Board will take action on Mr. Cline’s contract at the school board meeting scheduled for Monday, December 15, 2014, beginning at 7:00 pm in the school’s cafeteria. Interested individuals are welcome to attend if they have concerns or questions.

Elementary Science Night

Hay Springs Elementary collaborated with Chadron State College to host the first annual Family Science Night on November 20th.   This fun-filled evening featured a structured environment for families to explore, experiment, and talk about science.  Hands-on educational, activities were planned and organized by Chadron State pre-service elementary students for families to investigate different science concepts.  Elementary students got their hands dirty making an edible soil profile, observed a chemical reaction while making elephant toothpaste, created a model of the different levels of the ocean, and constructed a marshmallow, straw, and toothpick structure that would survive an earthquake.

Thank you to everyone who helped with and participated in Family Science Night as it takes everyone to make these events a success!  It was exciting to see such a great turnout!  We hope you all had a great night and that we can make Family Science Night an annual event.

3rd Annual Santa’s Bake Shop

3rd Annual Santa’s Bake Shop

Who: Everyone! All ages, 4-H or not!

What: Let’s get together to make and decorate sugar cookies! It will be a Take Some – Share Some. That is, you will take some of the cookies you made home to enjoy, and others will be shared with elders in the Community. We will get a youth delivery team together to get the cookies out to our older generation.

Where: At the Hay Springs School Cafeteria

When: Sunday, December 14th
Sugar cookie “construction” starts at 1:00 PM and we’ll probably be finished by 3:00 PM.

Let us know: If you are planning to attend. Please sign up on the glass entering the elementary or call 327-2312 Nebraska Extension Office by the Wednesday before.

Fall Book Fair

2014-10-20 04.53.59The Book Fair was a great success.  Thank you to the many parents, grandparents, and others who purchased books for their students.  We were able to add more than 50 books to our library collection and the preschool collection.  In addition to books, we are able purchase  from the Scholastic Resource Catalog.  We recently purchased some science equipment for the preschool and primary grades. This equipment is made for easy use by little hands.

Hay Springs Youth 3-6th Grade Basketball Practices

Hay Springs Youth
3-6th Grade Basketball

Practice Schedule:

Thursday, November 13th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Tuesday, November 18th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Tuesday, November 25th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Regular practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless notified otherwise
First Game: December 6th – we will pass along info. when we receive

The practices will last about 1 hour. If you have any conflicts with getting your kid(s) to practice let me know and we can make arrangements. I will provide the game schedule as soon as I receive it.


Jim Varvel                  Brianna Tonjes
(308)320-4445          402-922-0359

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