Read Across America – Place Your Vote

Read Across America

Although Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2, the Hay Springs Elementary celebrated on Thursday.  Joining them were members of National Honor Society. The high school students read Dr. Seuss books and lead activities related to the various titles.

The pre-school and kindergarten enjoyed One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and created their own fish bowls complete with handprint fish.  After listening to Cat in the Hat Comes Back each student made their own “Cat in the Hat” hat.

The first and second grade heard Cat in the Hat, then told what they would do if Thing One and Thing Two came to their house.  After reading about the fantastic animals in If I Ran the Zoo, the students created their own fantastic animals and put them in zoo cages.

Third, fourth, and fifth started out listening to To Think I Saw it All on Mulberry Street in which a boy imagines all kinds other things he saw on his way home from school. They then drew pictures of amazing things that might be seen on Baker Street filling up a mural on the wall outside Mrs. Strotheide’s room.  They finished the day with Oh, the Places You Go.  Each students created their own bucket list of places to go and things to see and things to do.

Checkout the fish bowls, zoo animals, and Baker Street mural in the library during Parent Teacher Conferences.  Also check out our decorated doors and vote for your favorite one.



Decorated doors

Check out the elementary and pre-school doors decorated like their favorite book.  Vote for your favorite door in the Library.  A Penny a Vote.  Voting jars will be in the Library.  Voting starts Tuesday – ends on Thursday after Parent Teacher Conferences.

Drug Dog & Expired Plates


On Monday, March 9, the State Patrol and their two drug dogs were scheduled to do a search of the school. The students were secured in their classrooms. The dogs searched student lockers, the locker rooms, the locker rooms in Lister-Sage, and the parking lot.

We were pleased that the dogs found nothing in the school facilities. However, in the parking lot, the dog did hit on a vehicle. The parent was notified and we are taking appropriate action.

Expired License Plates

I would note that during the drug dog search there were several vehicles with expired license plates. No action was taken on the expired plates today. I would suggest that parents don’t allow their child to drive to school until the vehicles have been properly licensed.

If you have questions or need additional information don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Mr. Pummel

Summer Camp 2015 Planning Under Way

Dear Potential Camp Leader,
During the 2014 Summer school we had over 70 students attend our 12 camps. These camps provided students the opportunity to learn new skills, socialize with other kids, and get to know the volunteers in the community.
This year our Summer “Fun” Camps are planned for June 1st through the 25th. We are continuing with our expanded schedule by incorporating full day and half day camps. You may also choose whether you want a 1 day, 2 day, 3 day, or a 4 day as well as AM, PM, or All Day camps.
We hope that you will consider teaching/leading a camp for us this summer. We are beginning the scheduling process for the 2015 “fun” camps and are excited to hear from you. Attached is a camp planning sheet. Please contact Shannon Langford ( or Kim Marx ( with any questions you may have.
Again, thank you for considering volunteering your time to teach a camp. We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours,
Stephen Pummel
Superintendent of Schools

Summer Camp Worksheet 2015

Spring Book Fair

The Spring Book Fair is fast approaching.  We will open the store in the library on Monday, March 16 after school.  Students will receive flyers about the books and view a preview video the week before the fair.   The video will also introduce some of the authors including Tammi Sauer who wrote Nugget & Fang about a shark and a minnow, and Katherine Applegate, author of The One and Only Ivan.

Students will preview the fair on Monday and Tuesday during their library time.  However, sales will only be made after school hours.

We will again have the online book fair for those unable to attend the fair in person or just looking for a different selection.  The online fair will be available from Wednesday, March 11 until Tuesday, March 24. All orders from the online store will be shipped free of charge to the school. They will be shipped 7-10 days after March 24.  The online book fair can be found at


Sixth Grade Book Trailers

bookwormLooking for a new book to read? Check out these book trailers by the sixth grade for some new ideas. The sixth graders used Movie Maker, Creative Commons or Public Domain images, and Creative Commons music to make their trailers. Click on each link below to watch the trailer!

Camp, Counting By 7s, Divergent, Famous Last Words, Joey Pigza, Joey Pigza(again!), Joey Pigza(last one!), Joey Pigza(another one?!?!), The Cay, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas(again!), The Hunger Games, The Little Vampire Book 2, and Warrior Cats: Into the Wild.

Activities Director

Ms. Houser has resigned as the activities director effective immediately. We appreciate Joy’s contribution to this position this school year. Linda Kudrna has been hired as the activities director and will assume the duties immediately. All questions regarding school district activities should be directed to Ms. Kudrna.

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