All School Play

Hay Springs high school students present an all school play this week!

Hay Springs High will present the popular one act play ‘Check Please’ Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium.

Cast members include, Seth Nowak, Quinn Tiensvold, Kaelob Marx, Emma Roberts, Mattie Johnson, Sam Kearns, Drew Letcher, Sydney Tlustos, Katie Scherbarth, and Garrett Weyers.

The action revolves around the crazy world of Blind Dates!! Guy and/or Girl every find a ‘normal’ person to date, or is that asking waaay too much? Dinner with these over the top characters is hilarious! This play is fun for all!

Beth Jungck, Director

Nebraska Extension Office, BUILD YOUR OWN BIRDHOUSE

Build your own Birdhouse

This workshop will give youth the opportunity to build their won birdhouse then learn what type of bird they will house and where they need to hang their house. Please register by Friday, April 24 by calling the extension office. Workshop is Friday, May 1st at the Hay Springs School Cafeteria.


2015 PROM

2015 PROM

The 2015 Prom will be held in the auditorium on April 25th. The Grand March will be held in the auditorium beginning at 8:30. The doors will open to the public at 8:15 p.m. to attend the Grand March and parent dance ONLY. All public, including parents, are asked to leave immediately following the parent dance so that the students can enjoy spending the evening with their classmates and friends.

Important: School Improvement Survey

In an effort to support continuous improvement in education at Hay Springs, we ask the community for their input on Hay Springs Public Schools.  We are asking all students, parents, and community citizens to complete a short survey.  Thank you in advance for your participation. Use the link below or the QR code to access the survey.

School Improvement Survey

School Improvement Survey

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