Varsity Portion of the Sheridan County VB Invite in Hay Springs
Game Time/Date: Saturday, September 12, 2020, in Gordon.
Locker Room: Locker rooms will be assigned upon team arrivals.
Game Protocol: Teams will not switch benches during sets. After each match we will clean the benches for the next game. We ask that you perform a temperature test before leaving your facility. Masks are requested when athletes are not in competition and sitting on the bench.
Officials: Gooder & Co. and Rischling & Co.
Fans: Fans will enter through the northeast doors, where in the past fans have entered to go to the gym. Fans will have designated areas to sit in the gym, which will be labeled on the walls. Masks are not required, but we strongly encourage fans to wear masks when you are not able to social distance, so we can continue our seasons without being interrupted with quarantines and no contests. We are asking to limit attendance to immediate family (mom, dad and siblings) and grandparents. We are confident that our gym is big enough to meet PPHB expectations. All siblings attending are required to wear a mask at all times. If at any time fans enter the foyer for concessions or restrooms, masks are required so please have a mask available. We thank you all ahead of time for your cooperation and understanding.
Concessions: Concessions will be available on the southeast side of the field, as well as the restrooms. Limited items will be sold (Pop, candy, pre-bagged popcorn and pre-wrapped hot dogs.). Please make sure you are practicing social distancing when going through the concession line and have your money available so we can get people through quickly. Masks are required when using the restrooms.
Admission: $6 for adults and $4 for students
Sheridan County VB Invite Game Schedule in Gordon:
Game 1 (8:00) – Hay Springs vs Crawford
Game 2 (9:00) – G-R vs Hemingford
Game 3 (10:00) – Kimball vs Crawford
Game 4 (11:00) – G-R vs Hay Springs
Game 5 (12:00) – Kimball vs Hemingford
Game 6 (1:00) – G-R vs Crawford
Game 7 (2:00) – Hay Springs vs Hemingford
Game 8 (3:00) – G-R vs Kimball
Game 9 (4:00) – Crawford vs Hemingford
Game 10 (5:00) – Kimball vs Hay Springs
Officials – Gooder & Co, Rischling & Co
JV Portion of the Sheridan County VB Invite in Hay Springs
Game Time/Date: Saturday, September 12, 2020, in Hay Springs
Locker Room: Locker rooms will be assigned upon arrival
Game Protocol: Teams will not switch benches during sets and benches will be cleaned between matches. Please check temperatures before leaving your facility. Masks are not required, but are recommended.
Fans: Fans will have designated seating areas in the gym, which will be labeled on the walls. Masks are not required, but strongly encouraged. Please make sure to social distance when standing in line or seated in the bleachers.
Concessions: Concessions will be available.
Admission: $6 for adults and $4 for students.
Junior Varsity Game Schedule in Hay Springs:
Game 1 (8:00) Hay Springs vs Hemingford
Game 2 (9:00) Crawford vs Gordon-Rushville
Game 3 (10:00) Kimball vs Winner of game one
Game 4 (11:00) L1 vs L2
Game 5 (12:00) W4 vs L3
Game 6 (1:00) Championship W2 vs W3