Cafe’teria News

Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Your body has not had any nourishment for over 8 hours.  You need to feed your body breakfast so it can think, jump, drive and all the things we ask our bodies to do.  If you don’t have time to eat at home, stop by the Café’teria here at school and grab a breakfast to go or sit and eat with your friends.  Sometimes our students don’t get up in time to eat and are not really that hungry when they get to school. Breakfast to go is a great alternative for them because our students can grab a breakfast to go and put it in their locker.  They can snack on it in between classes.

Lunch: The students and teachers have been enjoying the addition of the boxed lunch as a menu choice during lunch. My biggest challenge has been to guess how many to make each day.  I will have a sign up board for students and staff so I can make sure to meet the demand. Staff can give me a call or email me as well.  The students still love the PBJ’s as a main meal alternative as well as great afterschool snack to get them through athletic practices.

After School Lunch Sales:  The Café’teria is open from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each school day for students and staff to grab left over lunch items, baked goods, fruits & vegetables,  milk or juice. These items can be purchased or charged to the family lunch account.  Students you need to make sure that your parents are okay with you charging additional items to the lunch account.

Special Days for Special People:  The Café’teria will be hosting a special day each month. On this day, students are encouraged to invite someone to eat lunch with them. Adult Lunch is $3.30 which includes the meal and unlimited Fruit & Vegetable Bar.

The 1st special day is in honor of Grandparent’s Day in September. “Invite your grandparents to lunch day” is set for September 23rd. We will be having chicken & noodles.

And of course, you are always welcome to eat with your student.

Caféteria News

This is the new theme for Hay Springs School Café teria.  We are not just a lunchroom anymore.  We begin our day with Breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m..   This year our Middle School/High School students can select from three lunch choices.  A hot serve main meal, peanut butter & jelly sandwich or a cold meal that is complete with all components in its own container.  Along with that we will be offering an expanded salad bar selection. Our day ends providing food choices to students after school.  Listed below are a few other things that students can expect to see this coming school year.

Menus:  We plan to solicit student input into the menu selection.  Our plan is to get feedback from students and adjust our menus to foods students prefer.

Salad Bar:  Our Food Service Program received a $5000 award last year for the expansion of our breakfast program.  These funds were used to purchase a new refrigerated Salad Bar.  With the new salad bar students will have an expanded selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

After School Cafeteria Sales: This year students can stop by the lunchroom until 4:30 p.m. and purchase salads, sandwiches, fruit, etc.  This will provide students with healthy food to get them through the after school activities and home for supper.  Students can pay cash or charge to their lunch account.

Fruit and Vegetable Program:  We were approved this year to offer a fruit and vegetable educational program to our elementary students.  This program provides students the opportunity to taste new foods and learn about them.

After School Snack:  New this school year we will provide students attending a remedial or academic program an after school snack.  This healthy snack will be provided at no charge to the student.

These are very exciting changes and additions for our Hay Springs School Café teria!  Our plan is to provide all students proper nutrition from Breakfast to After School Snacks.  We encourage parents to come to school and eat lunch with their children and experience the outstanding nutritional opportunities.

Updates to your child’s personal information

Parents:  It’s that time again!! If you have any changes that need to be made regarding your child’s personal info. (phone contacts, emergency contacts or address, etc.) please email or call the school with the updated info. If this doesn’t work for you please have your child bring the changes with them the first day of school and drop off at the office. 

Email changes to :

or call 308-638-4434


Knee Injury Prevention Day Camp, grades 7-12

Chadron Community Hospital is offering a Knee Injury Prevention Day Camp

When:   Thursday, Aug 8th

Time: 6-8 pm

Where: Chadron High School

Jumping and agility drills to highlight knee postioning with education and video on proper knee postioning. Live drills to help prevent injury. Free t-shirt, $25 per camper, Grades 7-12. 

To enroll or inquire call Chadron Community Hospital 308-432-0232

Concussion Testing for upcoming 6th grade and new students interested in playing any sports.

Required Concussion Testing- for upcoming 6th grade and new students interested in participating in any sports. This has to be done before you can participate.

When:  Aug 7th (First day of school, dismssal at noon)

Where: Alliance, NE

Time: 2 p.m.

Bus will leave here at 1:00 p.m.  Don’t be Late!!!

$5  per student, bring money with you.

$5 Physicals

Next year’s 6th -12th grades

Wednesday, May 22nd – Vitals will be done between 2:30 – 3:00 pm at the school, please bring your $5 at this time.

Thursday, May 23rd – Bus will leave here at 7:30am for Chadron. Don’t be late!!

The bus will not stop on the way home for breakfast so eat before you go.

If you plan on playing  any sports next year you will need a physical before you can participate!

Pop Tab Results

Fourth grade was the winning class weighing in with 36.00 pounds of tabs. Second place goes to 1st grade with 20.26 pounds, 3rd place to 2nd grade with 17.34 pounds. Kindergarten weighed in with 13.51 pounds of tabs and 3rd/5th grades had 5.95 pounds. The elementary collected a whopping grand total of 93.06 pounds of pop tabs!


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