Try Your Luck

Mirror, mirror on YOUR wall, perhaps? Two hardwood-inlaid floor mirrors were anonymously donated to the shop to be raffled off to raise money. The mirrors were hand-made by a local craftsman. You can purchase the tickets at Security First Bank, or call Hay Springs Public School at 308-638-4434 and ask for Mr. Badje. The ticket prices are: one (1) ticket for $5, three (3) for $10 or eight (8) for $20. All proceeds go to the Industrial Technology Department. Please note: it is local pickup only but shipping is free if you live within thirty miles of Hay Springs. The drawing date for the raffle is November 15, 2011. These mirrors would make great Christmas presents.

Homecoming Update

The schedule for this year’s homecoming has been set. On Thursday, October 5 voting for the Homecoming King, Queen, and escorts will commence. The final vote will be taken on the next morning. The senior parents will begin decorating for Coronation on Sunday, October 9. On Monday, Homecoming week officially begins with Coronation in the late afternoon and the bon-fire following the junior high volleyball game. Then on Thursday, the pep rally will be on Main Street around 4 p.m. Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Houser will be in charge of the fun and games. That same night at 7 p.m. there will be a football team versus volleyball team softball game sponsored by the coaches. Saturday evening will be the Homecoming dance sponsored by the Student Council.

The dress up days are as follows: Monday- Teacher Imitation Day, Tuesday- Pirates’ Day, Wednesday- Celebrity/Rock Star Day, and Thursday- Hay Springs Hat and Jersey Day.

Follow Us on Facebook

Follow us on Facebook! Hay Springs Public School now has a Facebook page. The focus of this page is very specific; school closings/late starts, activity schedule changes, urgent messages, and emergency notifications.

For daily news and happenings at Hay Springs Public School, go to or for specific information about your child’s progress, log into Infinite Campus by clicking the Infinite Campus link on the Hawks website.

Stephen Pummel
Superintendent of Schools

New Set of Wheels

Riding in style!!! Hay Springs Schools’ first Suburban is now in and has been in for about a week. It is a brand new, gold 2011 Chevy Suburban. The next two should arrive in a couple weeks. Mr. Pummel wants us all to remember to take care when riding in any school vehicle so they will last as long as possible.

Mrs. Mandelko commented, “It’s awesome and very much needed.”

No More Green Slips

The Hay Springs School is no longer requiring the green activity slips this year. Any students who leave for a school related activity are responsible for getting all their work together and turning it in on time. Assignments are due the very next day the students return to class.

Lister Sage Keys

The public has been contacting the school and asking how to obtain keys for the Lister Sage Community Building.

The school is only responsible for giving out keys to the coaches. The keys that the coaches have are normal keys that work in every door entering the facility. Keys that are available to the public are button keys. These keys are magnetic and only work on one door entering the upper balcony of the gym. If you are interested in acquiring a key for your personal use please contact Seth Terrell, at 308-232-4680. To get a key you must be at least eighteen years of age and need to be very responsible. The cost of the key is $25.

Flexible Fridays

No school on Fridays! There is no longer school on Fridays at Hay Springs for money saving reasons.

This affects everyone from students to staff to the community. Students and staff can sleep in on Fridays but parents have to find day care for their children on Fridays. Students can also work in the community on Fridays without missing school.

The school days are longer. They are forty five minutes longer then they have been in the past.

The school year is still basically the same length but there is just a few more minutes than in earlier years.

Zoe quotes, “I’m not sure if I like it yet, I’m still getting used to it.”

Skyler quotes, “I love waking up on Friday and knowing that I still have two more days before Monday.”

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