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Due to staff shortage Hay Springs Public School will be dismissing school at 12:30 pm on Thursday, May 16th. Lunch will be served. Please plan accordingly.
Link to May 2024 HSPS Newsletter:
May 2024 NewsletterToday is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! What is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day you may ask? Here is what We Are Teachers says on the subject(they also mention some neat ways to celebrate Paraprofessionals):
Paraprofessionals, or paras, teaching assistants, or instructional assistants, do a little of everything in schools. They support classes, are assigned to specific students in special education, help with substituting and supporting the general running of the school, and help supervise students.
Parapros are—we’ll say it—not paid enough for the work they do each day. Paraprofessional Appreciation Day is a chance to put them in the spotlight and recognize the dedication they bring to students each day.
So, a HUGE thank you to the Paras at Hay Springs Public School: Twila, Mindie, Cara, Carrie, Jake, and MaKena! You guys ROCK!
Received from the Nebraska Department of Education:
We are committed to providing your child with the best possible educational experiences at the Nebraska Department of Education. As part of our assessment process, students in grades 3-8 take statewide assessments in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics, and science each year. Following the assessments, you receive an individual student report detailing your child’s performance from your child’s school. Your feedback is essential in helping us enhance the information provided in these reports to better support your child’s academic journey. We kindly ask for your insights and suggestions to improve the clarity and usefulness of the reports you receive. Thank you for your time and contributions.
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Hay Springs Letter Jacket Order Form
Please click the following link to access a fillable PDF of the order form:
Link to January 2024 HSPS Newsletter: