Superintendent’s Notes

Wow! 2019 is history and we look forward to the second semester of 2019-20 with eager students and a busy schedule of school activities. I would like to wish each of you a very Blessed, Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2020. I continue to feel blessed to be a part of this community and have the privilege to work with a very dedicated staff, board of education and your wonderful children. As we begin the final semester of the school year I want to remind all staff, parents and students that by working together we can all accomplish more. It is imperative that as we dedicate ourselves to the improvement of education for our children that we all work very hard to keep the lines of communication open. Parents please communicate with your child’s teachers and coaches if you have concerns. It is impossible for our staff to respond to student and parent concerns if we are not all willing to communicate directly and honestly with each other. As the administrator, my door is nearly always open and never hesitate to give me a phone call. I am always willing to listen to your concerns, however our policy dictates that the first order in the resolution of a problem is direct communication between parent and/or the student with the teacher and/or coach about your concerns. If we are going to hold true to our mission, vision, and goals for the district we truly have to continually work together in this effort.

Mission Statement

The Mission of Hay Springs Schools in cooperation with families and community, is to empower students within an emotionally supportive and physically safe environment with the academic, social, physical and technological skills to achieve success as responsible, self-disciplined citizens of a global society.

Vision Statement

“Empower Students to Achieve Lifelong Success.”

Hay Springs Goal

80% of Hay Springs School students will meet projected growth and/or 80% of students will be proficient on NWEA MAP assessments in Math, Reading, Language Arts and Science.

As we return from our Christmas and New Year’s break and time with family and friends I am reminded of how so blessed as Americans we are to have the diverse educational opportunities we provide for our children. As an adult when I reflect on the educational system that served me well in my youth, I readily realize that the education of today must be much more and continue to improve and challenge our students. With the advancement of technology, and the social changes that have taken place in our country our educational systems continue to play and increasingly important role in the lives of our children. Please know that the employees at Hay Springs are very dedicated to providing your children with the best possible opportunities to learn. If we do not have some struggling students, then we clearly do not have the bar high enough. It is my hope that the majority of our students are academically challenged on a daily basis. With challenges comes the additional need for encouragement and support from staff and parents.

As our students move through our educational system and move on to additional educational opportunities or the world of work they will continue to deal with challenges in their life. How we confront our challenges in life has a great effect on the quality of life we will enjoy. We have a choice every day, to appreciate the opportunities we have in life or to dwell on our challenges. If we can get in the habit of choosing to look at our blessings and opportunities, we will be amazed at how we begin to see many more positive things around us. The reality is things around us don’t change, we are the ones who will change and when we look for good, we find it. It continues to be one of my goals to help our entire staff and student population focus on the many blessing we have in life and support each other in positive ways as we work together to pursue our Mission, Vision and Goals at Hay Springs School. The continuation of the NPBIS (Nebraska Positive Behavior Intervention Support) program at Hay Springs School is an effort to identify the positive behaviors of our students. By doing so, we encourage an increase in positive behavior by staff and students as we move into the final semester of 2019-20.

The Hay Springs January board meeting is set for January 13th and will be our re-organizational meeting for the year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our current Board of Education members, Brenda Johnson, Marilyn Reed, Miriam Kearns, Shavona Henry, Greg Heiting and David Russell for their dedicated service to our community. Serving on the Board of Education is a very, very important position in all communities. It can be rewarding but is also a thankless position, so if you get the opportunity, please, thank these individuals for serving your community. I also want to remind board members and other patrons of the district that it’s the time of year to file for the upcoming election to the Board of Education. If you have an interest in being a member of the Hay Springs, Board of Education visit with a current board member or stop into the office to discuss commitment and responsibilities of Board Members.

In closing I thought I would update you on some of my family blessings over the past year. Sue and I will celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary over the break with family back in Boyd County. My mother passed away in February so will be celebrating our first Christmas without any of our parents living. Our youngest daughter following graduation for UNK is employed at a Montessori School in Lavista. We been busy attending and enjoying our nineteen grandchildren events throughout the year and are eagerly awaiting our twentieth grandchild this spring. We continue to feel appreciated and supported by the wonderful community of Hay Springs, so it is evident that we are truly richly blessed on a daily basis. Thanks to everyone for your continued support of our Hay Springs educational system.

Mr. Lechtenberg
Superintendent / Ag Science Instructor

Superintendent’s Notes

I have to start my December note to remind us all at this time of the year, how truly blessed we are to live in this great country, the state of Nebraska, Sheridan County, and the Hay Springs community. We are blessed to have such a caring community and school where our staff has great care and concern for our students and for each other. I would like to take a moment at Thanksgiving to let our staff know how grateful I am to work with such dedicated and caring individuals. There have been several changes over the past three years, and the entire staff of Hay Springs School have continued to support each other and work towards providing the highest quality of education for our students. I am also very grateful for the Board of Education who has supported the addition of administrative staff that allow us to better support our teachers and students. This addition has also allowed me the time to begin an Agricultural Science program and an FFA chapter. The parents and patrons of our district are also a reason to be thankful. Small rural communities are the best place in America to raise a family and provide the opportunities for our youth to learn how to work, develop relationships and develop their God-given talents. The support of the Hay Springs community and staff of Hay Springs make me extremely proud to be your superintendent. As I list the things I am extremely thankful for I certainly have to include our students. We are extremely blessed with students who work hard, are involved in school activities, respect our teachers and care about each other. I also need to mention the blessing of family and friends. The family and friends support of my family during the death of my mother in February was greatly appreciated. I am so blessed with the support of my wife and family both with my work in Hay Springs and keeping things under control in Boyd County. All of these things would make you believe that life is perfect. As I reflect on our many blessings, I am also aware and mindful of the many challenges of our country, and community and pray that God will continue to guide the leaders of our country, state, county and community and myself and our school leadership team as we continue to move forward in the pursuit of excellence. I hope as we enter the holiday season that each of you will take time to relax and enjoy those that are most important in your life and reflect of the many blessings we have.

As we concluded successful athletic seasons again this year I am grateful for the time, effort and dedication of our student athletes and coaches. Success is not always measured by championships or perfect seasons but more importantly by the personal growth and team improvement that takes place during the season. Regardless of the win/loss records our teams have, on several occasions this fall, made us extremely proud to be fans of the Hawks.

As important as inter and extracurricular activities are for the development of our youth the number one reason we are here is for the academic growth of our students. In an effort to enhance academic performance and our school improvement process I had the opportunity to attend the Nebraska Association of School Boards and the Nebraska Association of School Administrators Joint Annual State Educational Conference in Omaha this past week. Sessions I attend included: superintendent evaluation and goal setting with school improvement in mind, Social media concerns in education, new transportation regulations, quality board retreats and strategic planning, as well as several very motivational keynote speakers. This conference provides tremendous opportunities to share knowledge with other board members and administrators and learn from some excellent presentations.

As I look at the calendar we have only three weeks until the end of the quarter and the end of the first semester. I know it doesn’t seem possible that we are that close to the end of the semester. As the semester ends I want to remind parents and students that the student’s semester grades will be a part of your student’s academic transcript. For students with high GPAs these grades will be part of your Senior GPA scholarship, financial aid, senior awards and class rank. For struggling students these semester grades will determine if you will need to be taking some classes over in the future. When students fail a course that is required for graduation for the semester, it not only complicates their future scheduling of classes but in most cases it requires extra time in school to meet the requirements for graduation. Please visit with your students about the value in finishing the semester strong. Encourage them to utilize the additional support we make available through Friday school and to request additional assistance from staff members to accomplish that end. Parent and guardian support for your child’s academic success is one of the most important ingredients you can provide to assist your child’s academics success. If students fail to attend Friday School, they will be expected to make arrangement to make up a minimum of equal time and possibly additional time if deemed necessary for their success.

As the seasons change we are in full swing this week with basketball and wrestling competition beginning this weekend. Our One-Act play performers displayed their talents and abilities twice locally this week and are competing at district one-act competition on Wednesday December 4th. I would like to thank them for their time and effort and wish them luck as they compete for the opportunity to compete at state.
Also as the seasons change we need to be more aware of the weather conditions and school cancelations, late start and early outs. I will always make school cancellations decisions based on my assessment of safety and conditions for getting your children to and from school safely. If at any time you are not comfortable sending your children out on the road based on weather and road conditions in your area, please know that you always have that option. If you decide not to send your children to school when we are holding school, please call the school and let us know that they are not coming or that you will be sending them later in the day. If the decision is made to cancel school notice will be given on Hawk Alert – “Remind”, posted on the school website (, and the Hay Springs Facebook page as well as area radio stations. If you have not already signed up for the “Remind” please contact the school office to get signed up to be sure you get the notices.

School improvement is and must be a continuous process in which you really never arrive, because as we strive to improve educational learning opportunities for our students we continually look for areas in our educational process where we can improve. It is with this in mind that I will again remind all of you of the mission, and vision of Hay Springs Public School.

Mission Statement
The Mission of Hay Springs Schools in cooperation with families and community, is to empower students within an emotionally supportive and physically safe environment with the academic, social, physical and technological skills to achieve success as responsible, self-disciplined citizens of a global society.

Vision Statement
“Empower Students to Achieve Lifelong Success.”

Providing a quality education is truly a cooperative effort and the cooperation of staff, students, parents, Board of Education, patrons and the community is alive and well in Hay Springs. Through continued cooperative efforts within our educational system we will continue to provide high quality education and learning opportunities for our Hay Springs students.
Thanks to all, for your continued support, and I want to wish each of you a blessed holiday season.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night – Hay Springs Auditorium on Friday, December 6th, 2019 at 6:00 PM.  Please come join us as we show The Lion King (2019)!

PBIS team will be having a free will donation Christmas Ornament Decorating Party in the cafeteria before the movie from 5:00 – 6:00 pm and also free will donation snacks during the movie. Please RSVP to kyli.heiting@hshawks or so we know how many crafts and snacks to have on hand! Hope to see you there!

Principal’s Playbook

It seems the initial months of the 2019-2020 academic year have evaporated into thin air. Our students and staff members have gotten off to a great start. The first term ended on October 10th, final grade reports were given to parents/guardians on October 24th during parent/teacher conferences. If you have not received your child’s grade report please contact the front office.

Our students recently completed a series of on-line MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) tests in Reading, Language Arts, Math, and Science. The MAP tests are adaptive which helps teachers, parents, and the administration improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote our students’ academic growth. Our teachers are currently visiting with their students to establish specific performance goals for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year.

Our FFA, FBLA, band, vocal music, cross country, football, and volleyball programs have enjoyed the fall activities season. We encourage all of our students to take advantage of the wide array of co-curricular programs offered at Hay Springs Public School. Whichever activities our students choose to enjoy, it is important to note that the benefits are not limited to just higher academic achievement, benefits also include the opportunity to more fully develop their social skills, life skills, and God given talents.

Congratulations to the students that made the 1st quarter Honor Roll and/or achieved an attendance record of 95% or better. Please continue to reinforce healthy habits with your children that promote regular school attendance and homework completion.

Finally, the school community of Hay Springs has much to be grateful for during the upcoming season. I would like to wish all members of our school community a Happy Thanksgiving and safe, bountiful harvest season.

Mark J. Hagge

First Quarter Quarterly Assembly

Kindergarten through 12th grade students and staff gathered this morning in celebration at our first Quarterly Assembly. The purpose of this assembly was to recognize the accomplishments of students during the first quarter of this school year. We kicked off the assembly with a student vs. teacher game of Hula Hoop Rock Paper Scissors. The teams were the Fifth Grade Class and the High School Teachers. The teachers ended up winning this competition! First Quarter Super Pass recipients were recognized at this time. The middle level and high school students who received Super Passes are: Jaiden Anderson, Hannah Hoos, Bailey Scherbarth, James Scherbarth, Gabe Varvel, Joce Varvel, RyLee Wolken, Noah Kelly, and Ava McKillip.

The PBIS Leadership Team presented a short skit, “The LIfe of a Hawk Buck” showing the journey a Hawk Buck makes once it is awarded to a student caught SOARing.

To wrap up the celebration there was a drawing for invitations to the Breakfast of Champions. At the end of each quarter all Hawk Bucks are entered into this drawing. 10% of Hawk Bucks for each grade level group are drawn. Students earning invitations to the first Breakfast of Champions on October 23rd are:

K-2 — Whitten, Darius, Jaxon, Grace, Ellerie, Reeve, Levi, Dawson, Rylee, and Danny
6-12 — Dakota, Abigail N., Parker, Gabby, Katelin, and Logan

The 3rd-5th grade group earned so many Hawk Bucks during first quarter they will be having their own Breakfast of Champions on October 30th. These students are:

3-5 — Bailey, Jacob, Cade, Megan, Riley J., Hunter, Tyson, Emma, Ever, Maddix, Emily, Bristol, Jaydub, Kaytee, Malorie, and Evan

Congratulations to all of our Hawks for a great First Quarter!

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