Parents Encouraging Parents Conference

PEP is a parent-run statewide conference sponsored and funded by the Nebraska Department of Education, Office of Special Education, in collaboration with ESU #16. This conference is for parents of children with disabilities with an active IEP or IFSP. There is no registration fee and lodging and most meals are provided. Click the link below to view the brochure.

PEP Brochure

REMINDER: Father’s Day Lunch 1/22/14

The Café’teria will be hosting a special day each month. On this day, students are encouraged to invite someone to eat lunch with them. Adult Lunch is $3.30 which includes the meal and unlimited Fruit & Vegetable Bar.


 January’s Special Day is

National Blonde Brownie Day and

Invite Your Dad to Lunch Day

(In lieu of a father’s day)

On January 22nd.

PreK Lunch—12:00 noon

Elementary Lunch—11:30 a.m.

Middle/High School Lunch—12:25 p.m.



The Hawk Shop Going Live!

The Hawk Shop will be going live for online sales December 16th at 9:00 a.m. We have several new products to offer! There will be a link to the store on We will be able to accept PayPal payment or cash upon pick up. We will ship via USPS or you can swing by The Hawk Shop here at the school and pick up your order.

These products will also be available for purchase at the Santa Soup Cookoff, Friday, December 13th from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Below is a sneak preview.

This will be an ongoing process and we hope to bring you a store site that is easy to use and full of great product! We would like to thank Larel Reimann, Shannon Langford, Rachel Mandelko, and Aaron Huckfeldt for their work in getting The Hawk Shop up and running.

2013 Hay Springs Christmas “Angel Tree”

Many families and individuals will be in need this Christmas Season. Some need warm clothing, some need nutritious food, and some need a present under the tree. If your family has special needs this Christmas, fill out the adoption form that was sent home from school with your child or complete the form below:

Angel Tree Form

Young Hawks Basketball

basketball1All 3rd thru 6th grade boys and girls who have signed up with Chadron Community Recreation for basketball or intend to sign up by this week please come to an organizational practice on Thursday, November 14th at 4:30 in Lister Sage.  The practice should be over between 5:30-6:00.  If you have not signed up and sent money into Chadron Community Recreation, it needs to be done ASAP in order to participate.

2013 Youth Basketball Registration

Fall Book Fair Underway

Our fall book fair is underway. Books are available for preview in the elementary library after school and during Parent-Teacher conferences on October 24th from 4 to 8 p.m. You can also scan and Shop the Online Book Fair for more choices.  The online fair runs through November 5.

book fair scan

2nd Annual Santa’s Bake Shop

christmas cookiesWhat:    Let’s get together to make and decorate sugar cookies! It will be a Take Some – Share Some. That is, you will take some of the cookies you made home to enjoy, and, others will be shared with Hay Springs’ elders. We’ll get a youth delivery team together to get the cookies out to our older generation.

Where:   At the Hay Springs School Cafeteria

When:    Sunday December 8, 2013   Sugar cookie “construction” starts at 1:00 PM and we’ll probably be finished by 3:00 PM.

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