Santa’s Bake Shop

Santa Bake Shop for Preschool through elementary students. Parents and grandparents are welcome to come and lend a hand.

What:    Let’s get together to make and decorate sugar cookies! It will be a Take Some – Share Some. That is, you take some of the cookies you made home and the others will be delivered to Hay Springs’ elders.

Where:   At the Hay Springs School Cafeteria

When:    Sunday, December 2, 2012

Come for soup between Noon and 1:00 PM.  Sugar cookie “construction” starts at 1:00 PM and we’ll probably be finished by 3:00 PM.

There is no charge for this community fun shop.  Soup and all cookie supplies will be provided.  Please let the School Office know you are coming so that we can have enough soup and supplies on hand!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Attention: Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Parents, Neighbors & Friends – Everyone is welcome to come to the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 20th. Adult plates are $3.30. Turkey, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, oranges, pumpkin dessert, and rolls will be served. Please RSVP to Wendy at or (308) 638-4434 by November 8th.

PreK  Time – 11:00 AM in Cafeteria

Elementary Time – 11:30 AM in Cafeteria

Middle & High School Time – 12:25 PM in Cafeteria

Keys for Lister-Sage Center

The Board is in the process of updating our list of operational keys for the northwest access door for the center. The Board has chosen to work on getting everyone’s information and access keys in order and will be billing users on January 1st for 12 months use of the facility. There will be a minimal $35/year charge for access. Users will be given and asked to sign an agreement to rules/guidelines for the facility. Please Note: Failure to update information/payment for the keys before the New Year will mean your KEY WILL BE DEACTIVATED.

Please contact Seth Terrell (232-4680) or any other board member for information.

Hamburger Feed – updated

Lister-Sage is hosting a free-will donation hamburger feed during the October 5th football game with Banner County. Proceeds will benefit Lister-Sage community center. Come cheer on the Hawks for their Homecoming game and stop by to support our school-community center. The feed will be hosted on the Lister-Sage balcony!

Alumni to be Featured on Website

We are looking forward to featuring alumni in a bi-weekly series called “Where Are They Now?” The goal is to have enough participation from alumni to continue this throughout the life of the school website. There have been a few alumni contacted to get us started. We hope to include past graduates from many different years and current locations. If you are interested or have a suggestion for a featured alumnus, please feel free to drop a line to with the information.

Community Recreation Youth Leagues

Chadron Community Recreation Youth Leagues

  • Youth Flag and Tackle Football Leagues:
    – for kids, grades 3-6
    – Saturday mornings, Eaton Soccer Field, Sept.-Nov.
  • Youth Soccer League:
    – for kids, ages 6-18 yrs.
    – Mon, Tues, & Thurs. evenings, Eaton Soccer Field
    – two seasons (one reg. fee)–Sept.-Oct. and Apr.-May

For more information log onto or call 308-432-3133.

Elders’ Wisdom 2012 Video Available

The 2012 Elders’ Wisdom Program video is now available! It’s just over 54 minutes long and in addition to the evening’s programming, it includes the original documentaries and Nebraska video. Click on either link below to view – no account needed. Sign up to Vimeo – it’s free and easy – to download a video to your computer for offline viewing or burning to a DVD.

High Resolution Video (208 MB)

Low Resolution Video (For Slower Internet Connections – 32 MB)

Thank You, Hay Springs!

Mr. and Mrs. Janes want to thank the students, staff, administration and community members whose contributions made this Elders’ Wisdom program such a memorable evening. Special thanks to the Video Production students who proved that only with challenge comes greatness. We are most grateful to the Elders, Donna and Don, whose amazing stories and wisdom inspire us all.

Mr. and Mrs. Janes

Click here for a copy of the Elders’ Wisdom program.

Annual Turkey Dinner

This year’s Annual Turkey Dinner will be November 17th. Parents are invited to come join their kids for a turkey dinner. The menu is turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, dinner roll, and pumpkin dessert. Adults – $3.20 and PreK – $2.00. Please let the school know by November 14th if you are planning to attend and how many will be here. We hope to see you there!

  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel