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Category Archives: Community
Community Engagement Input
On March 23rd the Hay Springs Board of Education conducted a Community Engagement meeting hosted by NASB. We had approximately 25 individuals in attendance to discuss the needs of our educational system. The following link will allow you to contribute your input prior to the summarization of that event. Please complete the questionnaire by Monday April 4th.
Here is the link to the community questions: https://nasb.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dollsYoqv1GP3ee
We also have a paper copy at the school office if you would prefer to contribute in this manner.
Beef To School
Hawks Water Bottles
32 oz. water bottle, $30. Personalized for $5 extra. Available in black, gray, green, yellow, or white with engraving in silver.
Please contact Rachel Mandelko at the school if you are interested in ordering one. This is not a fundraiser, just trying to get a product out to those who want one. These will be locally made at Engravers in Chadron.
Engagement Meeting Rescheduled
Due to Illness of the NASB staff the “Hay Springs Community Engagement Meeting” scheduled for tomorrow at 6:00 pm in the school auditorium has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there.
Community Engagement Meeting
3/2/22 For Immediate Release
Hay Springs Public Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION to host Community Engagement Meeting
Hay Springs Nebraska March 2, 2022 – The Hay Springs Public Schools Board of Education has scheduled a community meeting for March 16th, 2022). The public session will take place at Hay Springs Public Schools Auditorium beginning at 6:00 pm.
This community discussion is part of a larger Community Engagement process and will give the Board of Education and district administration the opportunity to listen to community stakeholders. The results will help formulate a vision of the future, and identify goals and strategies necessary to move the district forward to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We will be discussing the strengths, accomplishments, and challenges of our school district, the vision, and expectations for our schools and the goals and objectives necessary to design our future.
Specific community members have been invited by the district for two reasons: to ensure that a broad cross-section of interests, backgrounds and perspectives are included and to ensure that board members are able to hear from all participants in a purposeful and efficient manner. We are inviting staff members, parents, students, community leaders and other interested members of the public to work together with us – so that we may effectively plan for the future of our district and students. Any patron wishing to attend the session or to submit written comments that will be considered as part of the process is encouraged to do so. Representatives of the Nebraska Association of School Boards will facilitate the community engagement process. For more information, please visit our school website at hshawks.com and look for Community Engagement.
D. Russell Lechtenberg
Please take the time to look over the Hay Springs Public School Annual Report linked below:
Feburary 2022 Anual ReportFamily And Consumer Science
Robotics Fundraiser
Hawks Apparel
Just seven days left to get in on some cool Hawks swag! Click the store link below to browse the merchandise:
No School 2/22/22, Late Start 2/23/22
Due to the extreme cold and possible snow, there will be NO School tomorrow, Tuesday 2/22/2022 and a 10:00 AM start on Wednesday 2/23/2022. Stay safe and warm!