Work Together Wednesday

Wednesday, the 18th, during Week of the Young Child was Work Together Wednesday! We have so many opportunities to work together in our classroom and work daily on being good friends. We also use partner work during small groups so we are sharing ideas and helping each other learn.

For our Work Together Wednesday activities, the morning preschool class worked together to create friendship rainbows. Each child was in charge of a color to create a class rainbow and a rainbow for each of their friends. We also created a block town using ABC town blocks. We had to decide where our houses would go and work together to create our community. We then added people and vehicles to our community.

The afternoon class also worked together to create a block community. They were very interested in where their houses were all located and some of them even made sure they had trucks and tractors just like at their real houses! This was great mapping and fit in great with a social studies theme about community. The afternoon class also worked together to clean up our playground and around the school. We decided to reschedule our community clean up day due to the wind so this worked great as a chance to work together as a class. This was another great social studies lesson about keeping our school and community clean and safe! The afternoon class had another chance to work together as they helped me create the poster for Week of the Young Child that is hanging in the lunchroom.

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