Picture Day’s Scheduled for next week. Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st


Elementary/ML/HS Picture Day’s has been scheduled for Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st. Shiela L. Studio will be doing our pictures again this year. Pictures will take place in the old auditorium. Please enter through the office doors. Thank you!

Monday, Sept. 29th

1. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)

Tuesday, Sept. 30th

1. Elementary Teacher’s and Para’s (prior to school)
2. PREK (Am) first thing (will eat breakfast at 9am)
3. Kindergarten
4. 1st
5. 2nd
6. 3rd
7. 4th
8. 5th
9. Community Pictures 11:30 am- 12:30 pm – Please call Shiela if this time does not work for you.
10. Janitors (Ricky, Jill, Alan) and Wendy (2pm)
11. Sports – JH VB, JH FB, JH XC and HS XC (after school)
12. Flags

Wednesday, Oct. 1st

1. ML/HS Teachers – (prior to school) Larel and Beth also
2. 6th + class officers
3. 7th + class officers
4. 8th + class officers
5. 9th + class officers
6. Afternoon Pre K (come to school at 11:15am)
7. 10th + class officers
8. 11th + class officers
9. 12th class officers and class picture
10. Admin
12. HS Big Sports Picture (Wear your favorite jersey, out of all sports which sport do you like the best)

Tentative schedule

Augmented Reality Experience

Preschooler, Kindergarten, and First Grade had a different experience during Library this week.  Instead of listening to Mrs. Matthews read a book, they watched the book video of The Dot by Peter Reynolds.  A little girl, Vashti, who thinks she can’t draw is challenged by her art teacher to make a mark on the page and then sign it.  She goes on to make more and more dots.  The students then made their mark by  creating their own “dot” pictures.

The pictures were then turned into 3D creations through the Colar app (http://colarapp.com/). The app is free as well as several sheets to color.  Parents can then download the app and view their child’s pictures.

Here are some samples of the creations from Tuesday:

Chadron Public Library Foundation

Information regarding the Children’s Theater play.

When:  October 3rd, 2014 at 1pm

Where:  Memorial Hall at CSC

What:  Big River ( a production based on Huckleberry Finn book by Mark Twain)

How long:  The play will last one hour

This play is free and they would like to invite the parents and children of Hay Springs.


Security First Bank is once again hosting the “Kick For Cash Scholarship Contest” this will take place half time of the Sept. 26th HS football game vs. Potter-Dix. Contest is open to the 9-12th grades, remember if you are playing FB you must find someone to kick for you. Sign up sheet is on the windows entering the elementary, drawing will take place on Sept. 25th by noon.

Punt, Pass, and Kick – Sept 21

football1Hay Springs Public School will be hosting Punt, Pass, and Kick on Sunday, September 21st at 3:00 p.m. Boys and Girls ages 6-15 are welcome. Register online @ www.nflppk.com or fill out the entry form available below. There is no charge to participate. All participants must show proof of age at all levels of competition. Please contact Anna Turman 308-430-1849 or Linda Raymer 308-430-0900 with any questions.

PPK 2014 Rules

PPK Age Verification Chart

PPK 2014 Entry Form

4-H Fun Day!! Learning to Sew: The Basics

Participants will gain simple sewing skills through fun projects such as sewing pin cushions and creating their own stuffed animal or pillow.  Already know how to sew? Participants can improve their skills by choosing a complicated pattern.

WHO:     3rd – 6th grade students

WHEN:     Friday, October 3rd from 9 am – 12 pm

WHERE:     Hay Springs Public Schools

COST:     NONE!!

How to register:     Register at the Hay Springs School Office or by calling the Sheridan County Extension Office at (308) 327-2312 or email Melissa Matulka at mmatulka2@unl.edu

Junior Class Magazine Sales

Junior Class Magazine Sales:
Now through September 29
Over 600 magazines and 700 other items to choose from
Contact any Junior class member to order or go online to www.gafundraising.com
Click on the “Shop Now” Button, enter the school’s ID – 2637262 and follow the instructions on the screen.

The U.S. Air Force Heartland of America Band’s Offutt Brass section will make an appearance in Chadron at CSC on Sept 16th.

For the first “Semester Enrichment” performance 6th – 12th grade music students will have the opportunity to attend the United States Air Force Offutt Brass section at CSC ballroom on Tuesday, Sept. 16th at 7:30 pm. The bus will leave Hay Springs at 6:45 pm, students need to be dressed nicely. We will be returning as soon as the concert is over. Seats are open to all 6th-12th grade music students, once those students have signed up it will be open to any 6th-12th grade Hay Springs student, then if there are any seats open we will open it up to the public. There is limited seating, so students hurry up and sign up on the sheet outside of the music room.

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