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Category Archives: Track
JH and HS PANCO Track Rescheduled for Monday, 5/1
JH and HS PANCO Track scheduled for Friday, 4/28 in Morrill has been rescheduled for Monday, 5/1 because of weather. Start time of 1:00 pm.
Bayard Junior High Track Meet Rescheduled
The Bayard Invitational Junior High Track and Field Meet has been rescheduled for tomorrow, April 5 as a finals only meet and no double relays. Start time is 9 am.
JH Track meet for tomorrow 4/4 in Bayard, has been postponed
JH Track meet for tomorrow, 4/4 has been postponed due to weather forecast, a later date will be announced.
High School track meet in Bayard has been canceled for tomorrow 4/1/17
High School track meet in Bayard has been canceled for tomorrow 4/1/17, due to weather.
PANCO Track date has NOT changed. Looking for Parent volunteers to help. Golf tomorrow in Charon has been postponed to Monday, May 2nd.
Contrary to rumors going around PANCO Track at Morrill has not been changed. Meet will still take place on Friday, April 29th at 10:00 am.
Looking for Parent volunteer’s to help run the long jump and long jump timers if interested please call the school asap. Thanks!!
Golf meet scheduled to take place tomorrow in Chadron has been postponed to Monday, May 2nd with a 9 am start time.
Run for Rusty T-shirts
The track team is selling t-shirts to help defer medical bills for Rusty Belina. All proceeds will go to Rusty. If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt please call the school as soon as possible so we can get them ordered. T-shirts are $15.
HS Track meet in Morrill tomorrow, March 24th has been cancelled due to the weather.
Because of the weather the HS track meet in Morrill has been cancelled.
** HS Track on 4/17 schedule change **
The HS Track Meet on Thursday 4/17 in Alliance has been moved and will take place in Scottsbluff at 8:30 am. We will leave here at 6:00 am