Omaha Music Trip

The Hay Springs music department would like to thank everyone who supported their music trip to Omaha this past weekend. Whether through fund raising or the school for transportation, or just words of encouragement. We had a great time! We went and saw the musical “Wicked”, spent an afternoon at the zoo, went to the Durham Museum, attended a baseball game at Werner park (where the chasers won!!), performed at 2 clinics and wrapped up our time out with a little shopping. Thank you especially to Jamie Bell, Nicole Toof, Jim Varvel, and Tony and Amy Hindman for being our sponsors-couldn’t have done it without you!

District Music Contest Results

Attached you will find the results of District Music Contest held in Alliance on Wednesday, April 20th. It was a very successful day for the Hay Springs music students! We also had 2 outstanding performers, Sam Hindman on his tenor sax solo and Kaden Langford on his vocal solo. If you see any of these students, make sure to congratulate them for all their hard work!

Substitute Music Teacher

Today Mr. Hagge was a substitute teacher for Mrs. Varvel.  Even though he is posing here with a guitar it is our understanding that he ended up reading to the PreK class instead!  Perhaps Mr. Hagge needs to take more music lessons to learn to play that guitar!

PANCO Music Contest Results

Hay Springs Music department was named the PANCO Music Champion at the PANCO Music Contest held in Hay Springs on Monday, March 28th. Attached are the final results of the day with the following students being named as outstanding performers:

Bo Thies – Outstanding Percussion Solo
Gabriel Varvel – Outstanding Piano Solo
Abigail Nelson & Ava McKillip – Outstanding Brass Ensemble
Gabriel Varvel – Outstanding Men’s Vocal Solo
Hay Springs Men’s Choir consisting of Jett Rassmussen, Wesley Jacobs, Logan DeCoste, Gabriel Varvel & Kaden Langford – Outstanding Large Vocal Ensemble
Hay Springs High School Band – Outstanding Large Instrumental Ensemble

The high school students will perform their solo’s at our Pre-Contest Concert on Tuesday, April 19th at 7pm in the auditorium. They will then perform the next day, Wednesday, April 20th at the District Music Contest in Alliance. The 7th & 8th grade students will perform their selections at their spring concert next week on Tuesday, April 5th at 7pm in the auditorium.

Pizza! Pizza!

The music department is doing their final fundraiser of the year! We will be selling Little Caesars pizza kits from now until Thursday, April 7th. See any high school music student if you are interested or let the office know and we will send a music student your way! You can also order online!

Your support would be greatly appreciated!

Can you help me by purchasing some Pizza Kits today? Little Caesars Pizza Kits are fun to make and delicious to eat! You’ll want them on hand for quick dinners, tasty snacks, birthday parties or entertaining!

Order today from this link:

I’m sure you will love your Little Caesars Pizza Kits! Thank You for your help and support!

Group Name: Hay Springs Public School
Fundraiser ID: 406638

Music Concerts

Here is our concert schedule for the remainder of the year:

High School Band & Choir:
March 28th All Day – PANCO music contest-Hay Springs
April 19th 7PM – Pre-Contest Concert-Auditorium
April 20th All Day – District music contest-Alliance High School

6, 7/8 Band & Choir:
April 5th 7pm – Spring Concert-Auditorium

4/5 Band & musical:
May 3rd 7pm – Auditorium

Class D All State Band

Congratulations to the following students for being selected to Class D All State Band held at UNK on Saturday, March 19th:

Jazz Band:
Sam Hindman – tenor sax

Wind symphony:
Abigail Russell – flute
Ashley Tobiasson – flute
Logan DeCoste – bari saxophone
Gabriel Varvel – tuba

Symphonic band:
Trumpet – Abigail Nelson

Oregon Trail Honor Band

Abigail Russell, Sam Hindman, and Gabriel Varvel, Hay Springs students, attended Oregon trail honor band hosted by Doane University on Monday, January 10th at Bridgeport high school. Dr. Jay Gilbert, band professor at Doane University, conducted the band for his 15th year.

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