Junior High Girls Basketball Tournament Bracket – Monday, Dec. 11, 2023 in Hemingford @ 9:00 AM.
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Elementary, Middle School, and High School Competition
Build a holiday tree or other Christmas sculpture with canned goods brought in from students. All canned goods will be delivered to the elementary, but please keep them in separate groups(elementary, middle school, and high school).
Groups will have 5th hour on December 13th to work on their sculptures. ML/HS Teachers please come to the cafeteria at 1:00 on the 13th to help with the sculptures. ALL sculptures need to be completed by 3:00 pm on December 14th. (Elementary it is your choice on when you would like to work on yours.) Winner and prize will be announced on December 14th at 3:30 pm. Get students involved, get creative and have fun! (There are a lot of ideas on Pinterest!)
JH girls BB for 11/10 is being postponed to 2:00 on Wednesday 11/15. No concessions stand and no gate. A free will canned food drive is requested for patrons coming to watch.
On Thursday, April 27th, the 8th grade class toured the campuses of CSC and WNCC. They were able to compare the programs offered at each school, while getting a feel for college life and it’s opportunities. They learned that choosing a college is about finding the right fit and that sometimes there are obstacles to attending college, but there are people and resources that can help.
Saturday, February 18th, 2023
What: Gordon-Rushville Middle School Basketball Invite
When: 8:00 AM
Where: Gordon-Rushville Middle School gym
Admission: Adults – $3, Children in School – $2, Children Not in School – Free, No Passes will be accepted.
Game 1: (8am) – Gordon-Rushville v. Hay Springs
Game 2: (≅9am) – Bennett County v. Cody-Kilgore
Game 3: (≅10am) – Crawford v. Winner of Game 1
Game 4: (≅11am) – Loser of Game 1 v. Loser of Game 2
Game 5: (≅12am) – Consolation Championship – Loser of Game 3 v. Winner of Game 4
Game 6: (≅1am) – Championship – Winner of Game 3 v. Winner of Game 2