Junior High Football – 10/21 – 11:00 AM MT

Friday, October 21st
Cody-Kilgore vs Hay Springs @ Cody
JH Volleyball – 11:00 AM
Media: Check our school Striv for broadcasted games: https://striv.tv/channel/cody-kilgore/
JH Football – 11:00 AM Kick-off
Varsity Football – 1:00 PM Kick-off
JV Volleyball – 3:30 PM
Varsity Volleyball – After JV game
PINK OUT – Wear PINK in support of breast cancer!


School Pictures 2022

School Pictures 2022

ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 4th and 5th. “Moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures this year. Pictures will be taken in the Auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 3rd. Thank you!

Tuesday, Oct. 4th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Public Pictures (11:30am)
9. Afternoon Pre – K (come to school at 11:45 am)
10. Elementary Staff and Para Pictures (when you get a chance to pop in)

Wednesday, Oct 5th
1. 6th and class officers
2. 7th and class officers
3. 8th and class officers
4. 9th and class officers
5. 10th and class officers
6. 11th and class officers
7. 12th class officers
8. Stuco
9. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)
10. Admin Staff, Kitchen Staff, Custodial Staff and ML/HS staff pictures. (Pop in when you get a chance)

Please Take Our 2022-2023 CIP Survey

As part of the Continuing Improvement Program at Hay Springs Public Schools, we not only measure the academic success of our students, but also the quality of relationships with parents, staff, and community members.  To measure the perceptions of our school, the committee has prepared a survey specifically for each target group.  Your participation in this survey will help us focus our efforts on improving the learning experience for our students, the working environment for our teachers and staff, and our relationships with parents and community members.  Thank
you for taking the time to help Hay Springs Public Schools continue to empower students to achieve lifelong success for years to come.

Please follow this link to complete the survey!

Mandatory Parent Meeting and Concussion Awareness

Concussion Protocol – TRSD | School Health Services

It’s that time of year again when we begin to look forward to upcoming activities for the 2022-2023 school year! The start of fall practice for high school will begin on Monday, August 8th. Parents and any students planning on participating in junior high or high school activities need to attend the meeting on Monday, August 1st, in the school cafeteria at 6:00. All necessary paperwork for participating students will be available at the meeting. Paperwork must be completed and fees paid before students may attend practice.

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