2016 Rent-a-Hawk

The Hay Springs High School football team offers you their services for any projects that need completed on August 20th.

Examples of projects include: raking leaves, painting fences/houses, laying concrete, planting trees, trash pick-up, deliveries, furniture movers and  anything in-between!

Any project that you require assistance on, we have several able bodies that can help you get the job done. This is a chance for the Hawks to give back to the communities that support them!

Please call or text Josh Borm at 307-631-6310 or email at josh.borm@hshawks.com with any ideas you have that our athletes can help you with or if you have any questions.

Drive 4 UR School!

 Hawks Fans!


We are pleased to invite you to join our community in raising money for Hay Springs Public Schools at an event that is sure to cause some excitement – Drive 4 UR School!


For every person who takes a test-drive during our event, Ford Motor Company will donate $20 to Hay Springs Public Schools. In total, as much as $6,000 could be raised!


At this event, all funds will go to Hay Springs Public Schools. By taking a simple test-drive, you can support your School in a meaningful way!


Please mark your calendars and invite family, friends and neighbors to join in supporting Hay Springs Public Schools and your local community!


WHEN: August 27th

From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

WHERE:  The Cutting Edge in Hay Springs

101 N Main St, Hay Springs


We look forward to seeing you there!




For more information about Drive 4 UR School visit drive4urschool.com.

Hay Springs Community Recreation Youth Tackle Football Sign-ups

Hay Springs Community Recreation Youth Tackle Football Sign-ups


Boys and Girls Entering 3rd thru 6th Grade

Practice Held in Hay Springs

Games to be held at home and away

Season will last from Late August to mid October


Registration Fee $60

Equipment Deposit $150

Fee Scholarships available if needed


Two Sign-up Dates

Wednesday, August 10th

6:00-7:00 PM

Security First Bank


Monday, August 15th

4:30-6:00 PM

Security First Bank

If you cannot attend either of these sign-up dates please contact Jim at (308)320-4445

Open Gym Schedule in Old Auditorium

Open Gym Schedule in the Old Auditorium. Lister’s floors are being redone.

Football – Mon.,Wed.,Thurs. –  8 a.m.

Basketball – Boys and Girls – Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. – 6-7 p.m.

Volleyball – Mon., Wed., Thurs. – 7-8 p.m

  • All middle level players are welcome to attend
  • Open gym for volleyball and football will begin May 31st. Basketball will begin June 7th.
  • For questions contact any of the coaches or Ms. Kudrna
  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel