Music Students Performing at Willow Tree

Swing Choir Fun Camp students will be headed over to perform their Disney Spectacular show at the Willow Tree Festival in Gordon. The performance will be on Sunday, September 9th at 3:25 p.m. This performance is part of the “Cream of the Crop” series being featured at Willow Tree Festival over the weekend. Come and watch the show!

Swing Choir Fun Camp 2012 pictured at their June performance in Security First Bank – Hay Springs.

Join in the Fun at Read/Run Marathon

Read/Run Marathon began this morning at 7am on the football field. We will be making laps around the football field every Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 7:45 am, for 10 weeks. It is your choice to run or walk, the days you will attend, and if you will attend the entire time or part of the time. The goal is for the participants to run/walk a total of 26.2 miles (a marathon) in 10 weeks and to read 26 books by January 10, 2013. We hope to see you here! Stay tuned for biweekly progress reports on this event!

Front Row L-R: Acacia Clark, Tianna Clark, Anthony Running Hawk, Baden Planansky, Hannah Wohl, Taylyn Hopkins, Brodey Planansky, Gabe Varvel, Joce Varvel, Braydon Binger; Middle Row: Sam Hindman, Ruth West, Jace Langford, Jessie Badje, Bryce Running Hawk, Kobe Encinia, Austin Anderson, Trent Reed; Back Row: Samantha Clark, Jacob Clark, Tony Hindman, Alberta Olson, Kris Badje, Tanna Badje, Raime Varvel, Reese Varvel, Ciara McCance, Alexis Olson, and Chris Adams. Not pictured: Event sponsor – Linda Kudrna

New Federal Requirements for Hot Lunch

New Federal Requirements: Our food service manager is working to adapt the new Federal USDA requirements.  Our food service program is required to provide a wider variety of vegetables and 50% more whole grain foods.  Students will be offered five items each day and students must take three of them.  One of the items must be a fruit or vegetable.  As in the past students are welcome to go back through the lunch line for seconds.

USDA NOTICE: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C.  20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Last Chance for Discount Pricing

Only one week left (5/24) for discount pricing on Summer Camps! We hope you will take a moment to look at the brochure – maybe you have a child, niece or nephew, or grandchild that would like to attend. Paper brochures were sent to 69347 postal patrons; they are also available at Security 1st Bank – Hay Springs, Sackers, Shear Style, Hip-Hop, and the school. You may also view the brochure at the link below.

Summer Camp 2012

Student Checkout May 24, 2012

Each student grades K-12 will receive a check-out slip. Outstanding obligations will be added to the students check-out slip by the corresponding sponsor, librarian, teacher, etc; therefore the office will not be able to tell you what your child owes.

  • Each classroom teacher will collect book fines for damaged books.
  • The Librarian will collect payment for lost or damaged books.
  • The Athletic Director will collect payment for missing uniforms, etc.
  • Mrs. Palmer will collect Hot Lunch money.

Each fee must be paid separately to the appropriate person/department!

Students last day is May 24, 2012—dismissals will be at regular times—no early outs.

Awards Programs


The academic/activity awards program for Grades 6-12 is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2012 in the High School Auditorium. The order of events is below:

5:30 pm: Pot Luck Meal in Cafeteria*

7:00 pm: Awards Program in Auditorium

*Security First Bank will provide the meat. All families participating in the meal need to bring two covered dishes with serving pieces (side, salad, or dessert). Families can drop food off in the cafeteria anytime after 5:00 pm. Students need to be accompanied by their parents. Remember to take your dishes home after the Awards Program.

Families are welcome to go directly to the auditorium at 7:00 pm for the Awards Program, if you do not wish to attend the pot luck dinner.



The elementary awards program is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th, following the Field Day events. It will be held in the school cafeteria. After the awards program, students will return to class for final dismissal.


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