Subdistrict VB Fan Information

  Masks are also required for everyone attending.

 We will be clearing out the gym after the first match on Monday.  We will let the volleyball teams from Crawford and Hay Springs in, but fans from those two schools will have to wait until we have disinfected everything which will not take very long.  Once that has happened we will open the doors.  That means the end of the season gatherings will not be allowed so please pass the information along.

All games will be broadcast on

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon week is the largest drug free campaign in the United States. This year’s campaign is called Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free. It will be celebrated from October 26 – October 29. Hay Springs Elementary school will be supporting a drug free lifestyle by having dress up days. Middle school and highs chool are welcome to participate if you want!

October 26th – Wear Pajamas and follow your dreams
October 27th – Wear your shirt backwards- Turn your back to drugs!
October 28th – Wear red to show you are drug free
October 29th – Drugs are scary! Wear your halloween attire and change into your Halloween costume after specials.

COVID-19 Update Information

Due to the increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the Panhandle area, Sheridan County, and our Hay Springs community, we are making the following recommendations:

  • Hay Springs Public Schools are STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommending the WEARING OF MASKS TO STAY IN SCHOOL
  • Staff are also to STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommend to students:
    • WEARING OF MASKS TO STAY IN SCHOOL (in school and out of school) in efforts to complete our sports seasons and continue in-person instruction
    • Practicing SOCIAL DISTANCING (in school and out of school)
    • WASHING OF HANDS and use of SANITIZER (in school and out of school) on a regular basis

As we attempt to complete our sports seasons we are asking fans to please respect the Hay Springs School request as to the WEARING OF MASKS WHEN ATTENDING SCHOOL EVENTS. As we move into district play fans will be required to wear a mask as a directive from the NSAA.

  • Home games will be live streamed if you are uncomfortable wearing a mask.

We may also be requesting parent’s support in getting student athletes to and from games to limit the time they spend in other communities.

Finally, a HUGE THANK YOU to our parents for your continued support in monitoring your children’s health before sending them to school. We encourage you to PLEASE continue to do so by monitoring your child’s temperature and if they are ILL KEEP THEM HOME.

School Pictures 2020

ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY’S HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 20th and 21st. “moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures again this year. Pictures will be taken in the Old Auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 19th. Thank you!

Tuesday, Oct. 20th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Afternoon Pre – K (come to school at 11:45 am)
9. Staff Pictures

Wednesday, Oct 21st
1. Choir (during class)
2. 6th and class officers
3. 7th and class officers
4. 8th and class officers
5. 9th and class officers
6. 10th and class officers
7. 11th and class officers
8. 12th class officers
9. Student Council
10. One Act
11. FBLA Team
12. FFA Team
13. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)

Pink Out Shirts!

Get your PINK OUT shirts today and help support your PBIS team.

Volleyball PINK OUT will beTuesday, October 20th vs. Hemingford at 5pm, this is also SENIOR PARENT’S NIGHT.

Football PINK OUT will be Friday, October 23rd vs. Cody-Kilgore at 7pm, this is also SENIOR PARENT’s NIGHT.

Please click this link to go to the store:


Hay Springs Public School staff members have the opportunity to participate in a wellness program sponsored by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska. The wellness program encourages participants to track healthy behaviors through quarterly and monthly challenges. Members who complete the challenges are then entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card. As part of this wellness program, Hay Springs also participates in the extra incentive program, ELEVATE. ELEVATE includes a financial incentive for both the employee and the wellness group. If employees meet all the requirements for the ELEVATE program, they will receive a $150 gift card. If 50% of the members meet the requirements, then the wellness program will receive a $5000 grant to be used for employee health and wellness for the 2020/2021 school year. We just wrapped up our ELEVATE fiscal year, and are patiently waiting for the announcement that we received the grant. The Wellness Team has several ideas on how to use the grant to enhance employee wellness. We will share those plans when they have been finalized.

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