Building Readers Nov. 2019 Newsletter

Building Readers provides the guidance, steps to take, specific direction and concrete recommendations that parents need to help their kids learn to read, and to read more proficiently. Click the links below to read the September newsletter and extras!

Building Readers Elementary Newsletter(11/2019)
Building Readers Elementary Booklist
Building Readers Extras

Red Ribbon Week

The Red Ribbon Campaign started in 1980, by a group of parents who thought they should help and teach about drug prevention. This year’s theme is Send a Message-Stay Drug Free. We will be promoting Red Ribbon week be having dress up days.
Monday Oct. 28- Sock it to Drugs- Wear Crazy Socks
Tuesday Oct. 29- Be Drug Free- Wear Red
Wednesday Oct. 30- Hawks Don’t do Drugs – Wear green, yellow, hawk gear and hats
Thursday Oct. 31- Scare away Drugs- Wear your Halloween attire and put on your costumes at 3:00

Parent Institute Newsletter

Parents make the difference! is a four-page, evidence-based newsletter that provides practical, proven information for parents, on a comprehensive array of school success topics, in a format that is best for you and your school.

Please click the link below to check out this month’s newsletter:

Parents make the difference! October 2019 newsletter

Parents make the difference! October 2019 calendar

4th Grade “Eggsperiment”

So we have two winners, Emily Forney and Brayden Heiting, of the Eggsperiment! 4th grade had to design a safe cushion for their egg (relating to seatbelts and crashes) to survive a drop from our landing to the cement below.  Fun was had by all….eggsept some cracked eggs!

Second Grade Happenings

On Tuesday Second Grade learned how to write invitations by writing Mr. Hagge an invitation to come read to our classroom. Mr. Hagge replied with the “coolest” RSVP! On Thursday he came all dressed up at 10:30 and read our FAVORITE book, “The Day the Crayons Quit”! We did great on our listening and speaking skills during the story. Our Favorite part was how peach crayon lost his wrapper and was NAKED! After Mr. Hagge left the room we got right to work on a nice thank you letter. We learned all the parts to a friendly letter by the time we finished up. Thank you Mr. Hagge for the awesome opportunity to have fun learning!

Hay Springs After School Program Meeting When: Tuesday, August 20th, at 4 pm

Hay Springs After School Program Meeting

When: Tuesday, August 20th, at 4pm

Where: Hay Springs School Cafeteria

Who: All students and parents
interested in participating in ASP.

This will be a quick informational meeting discussing
the goals and plans for the after school program, as
well as providing an opportunity for parents to fill out
their contact information.

Contact Mattie Duzik for any questions at or (970) 756-8039

Building Readers Sep. 2019 Newsletter

Building Readers provides the guidance, steps to take, specific direction and concrete recommendations that parents need to help their kids learn to read, and to read more proficiently. Click the links below to read the September newsletter and extras!

Building Readers Elementary Newsletter(09/2019)
Building Readers Elementary Booklist
Building Readers Extras

Hay Springs Community Recreation Youth Tackle Football Sign-ups

Hay Springs Community Recreation

Youth Tackle Football Sign-ups


Boys and Girls Entering 3rd thru 6th Grade

Practice Held in Hay Springs

Games to be held at home and away

Season will last from Late August to mid October


Registration Fee $40

Equipment Deposit $50

Fee Scholarships available if needed


One Sign-up Date


Thursday, August 15th

4:00 PM -6:00 PM

Security First Bank

If you cannot attend this sign-up date please contact Jim at (308)320-4445

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