Fourth graders learned how to encode and decode letters, colors, and sounds using binary code. Binary code uses only 0 and 1. It is used as instructions for digital devices.
11:00 AM - Turkey On Marble Rye, Sweet Potato Fries
Wed, Feb 5th
7:30 AM - Cream Cheese Bagels
11:00 AM - Beef & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veg
Thu, Feb 6th
7:30 AM - Pancakes & Sausage
11:00 AM - Grilled Chicken Breast, Broccoli/Cheese Sauce
Fri, Jan 31st
3:00 PM - Basketball: Girls JV (Cancelled) vs. Edgemont (Away)
@ Edgemont High School
4:00 PM - Basketball: Boys JV vs. Edgemont (Away)
@ Edgemont High School
5:00 PM - Basketball: Girls Varsity vs. Edgemont (Away)
@ Edgemont High School
7:00 PM - Basketball: Boys Varsity vs. Edgemont (Away)
@ Edgemont High School
Sat, Feb 1st
12:00 AM - Speech (Home)
12:00 AM - Speech (Home)
9:00 AM - Wrestling: Boys Varsity vs. Central City Todd County Hyannis Twin Loup Winside North Central Brady Gregory Gering Sidney Valentine Crawford High School">Multiple Schools (Away)