The fifth grade class has been participating in the Trout in the Classroom program this year. As part of the program, we received trout from Nebraska Game & Parks to dissect. It was a quite smelly, but we had a lot of fun learning and getting a close up look at the anatomy of a trout. Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an environmental education program in which students in grades 4-5 . . .
- raise trout from eggs to fry.
- monitor tank water quality.
- engage in stream habitat study.
- learn to appreciate water resources.
- begin to foster a conservation ethic.
- grow to understand ecosystems.
Trout In The Classroom is funded by a number of generous supporters.
The Nebraska Environmental Trust provides funds for equipment.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Fisheries Division supplies all trout, trout eggs, and trout feed to support the program. Special thanks to the Production Section for its assistance.