
Just a note to remind parents that it is NOT the school’s or counselor’s job to fill out or in many cases to obtain scholarship applications. It should primarily be the responsibility of the student although I am realistic and know that it is usually Mom that does the majority of the work on scholarship applications. All scholarship information that crosses my desk will be posted outside room 306 (the math room) on the third floor. With that said all of the seniors in my classes have been told about a very, very good scholarship opportunity for Nebraskans in rural counties. It is the Hagan Scholarship, this year is the first year that it has been offered in Nebraska, It potentially pays everything for a four year college education! The numbers are limited and the restrictions are pretty high but may be worth the effort. September 1st was the first day that it could be started, everything is on line at Get on line, check your eligibility, 16 scholarships will be awarded in Nebraska and we will not be competing against Omaha and Lincoln as they are not in rural counties. The deadline is Nov 15th. If you have questions contact Ed Planansky or Kim Marx at the High School. Keep checking or have your student check for new scholarships. You Must Apply to get any scholarship.

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