Thanks to all parents for supporting the school to improve student attendance. So far this school year we have a 96.97% (Almost 97%) attendance rate. This is up from 94.42% during the 2009-2010 school year. That’s a great improvement!
Parents be aware, the Department of Education is monitoring all students’ attendance. We are required monthly to turn in student absences. Your child’s attendance is monitored along with their State Assessment scores. It’s imperative you send your child to school everyday.
There is a direct correlation between attendance and student success. Students that have excellent attendance are more successful in school. Along with that Colleges and potential employers receive attendance information and use that to determine acceptance into college, special programs, or a job.
We would ask parents to assist with the following.
- Schedule appointments after school or on Friday whenever possible.
- If your child is not running a fever, throwing up, or obviously sick, send them to school. Often students want to stay home when they have a big test or project due.
- Perhaps most important, make certain your child has a regular bedtime. Plenty of sleep will make it easier to get your child up in the morning for school.
- Middle and High School students are notorious for using their cell phones, texting, or using their computer well into the late evening and early morning hours. An easy solution would be take the cell phone at bedtime and if possible turn the wireless Internet off when kids go to bed.
- Monitor the school calendar and schedule vacations and trips when school is not in session. With the four-day school week students need to be in school everyday.
When your child is ill or has to miss school remember to call the office and report them as sick.